Board Election - Call for Nominations
Engineers and Geoscientists BC is governed by a Board composed of elected registrants and government appointees which is accountable to the public, overseeing the governance and management of the organization. The organization’s Nomination Committee is responsible for selecting candidates to stand for election to the Board, following a merit-based process that seeks strong and diverse leaders.
Call for Nominations
Serving on the Board is a unique and compensated leadership opportunity to give back to the professions, protect the public and the environment, and ensure that engineers and geoscientists have a positive and enduring impact in British Columbia. This year, registrants are expected to elect one Board member.
Ideal candidates will embody the organization’s shared values of collaboration, excellence, integrity, and innovation, while also bringing their own specialized skills, knowledge, and lived experiences to the Board. Engineers and Geoscientists BC values a diverse Board membership, believing that a Board that reflects both the professions and the public fosters healthy discourse and innovative decision making that are in the public interest.
Selection Process
Candidates are selected by the Nomination Committee through a merit-based process to ensure the Board is highly skilled, reflects the diversity of the professions and the public, and is technically and strategically equipped to lead the organization in fulfilling its public protection mandate. These needs are assessed annually and reflected in the Board Composition Matrix.
The Committee’s candidate selection framework includes: a gap analysis (i.e., a review of the skills and experience of continuing Board members); the prioritization of desired skills, competencies, and experience for prospective nominees; diversity considerations; and a systematic assessment of candidates including through interviews.
Upon completion of its rigorous process, the Committee will nominate candidates for the Board election.
Election Dates
The Board election dates will be announced in Summer 2025. All registrants in good standing, including trainees, are eligible to vote.