Engineers and Geoscientists BC

We are experiencing a high volume of Annual Reporting inquiries. If you have emailed us, we will reply as soon as possible. Please refrain from calling or visiting our office, as this will not shorten our response time.

Demographic Data

Engineers and Geoscientists BC recognizes the importance of fostering professions that reflect and welcome the diverse members of our society and enable our registrants to contribute to their full potential. We also know that advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is a journey that requires continuous improvement and efforts to advance our programs and actions.

To support our EDI journey, beginning in 2022, registrants have the opportunity to complete a number of optional self-identification questions as part of the Annual Reporting process. New applicants will also be able to complete the optional questions after completing the application process. This data will allow us to report and measure the success of EDI initiatives, and identify new measures that will help achieve greater EDI within the professions.

The questions focus on broad categories of self-identity and were developed after extensive research and consultation. Responses to these questions are optional, and registrants will also have the opportunity to update or revise their responses if their information or comfort level with disclosure changes.

Registrants’ data will be collected, used, and stored in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Registrants’ optional self-identification data will never be published. Rather, aggregate data may be used to improve future programs, or for the creation of summary reports that provide information on the diversity demographics of our registrant population.

As we continue our EDI journey and gather more data about our registrants and the impacts of our EDI initiatives, we intend to share aggregate information and trends.

For questions about the collection of this information, contact [email protected].

Available Data

Engineers Canada has a number of reports that provide data and trends for engineering in Canada, including:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Why is Engineers and Geoscientists BC collecting this information?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC is collecting self-identification data to better understand demographic trends, identify barriers that some groups may face entering and remaining in the professions, and develop or update programs and initiatives to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the engineering and geoscience professions.

  • 2. What if I don’t want to complete the self-identification questions?

    Completing the self-identification questions is optional. If you do not want to participate, select “I prefer not to disclose.” Doing so will not impact your Annual Reporting or your registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

  • 3. How will my data be stored?

    The self-identification data will be recorded with your existing registration information. By connecting this data to your existing information, we can perform a more meaningful analysis of the data, correlating the information with other registrant information such as practice discipline, geographic region, and practising status.

  • 4. How will my data be used?

    Your data will be collected, used, and stored in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Registrants’ optional self- identification data will never be published.

  • 5. Who will have access to this information?

    Optional self-identification data will not be accessible to, or viewable by, anyone other than designated staff who hold senior responsibility for equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and initiatives at Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

  • 6. Why are we not asking for gender identity in the new optional diversity demographics data questions?

    Registrants are asked to provide their gender identity earlier in the information reporting process and is something we were already asking registrants. We have recently updated the answer options to provide registrants with more choice, and now allow registrants to change their response during the Annual Information Renewal process.

  • 7. Why do you ask about some dimensions of diversity and not others (such as ethnicity or language)?

    When we developed these questions, we spent considerable time evaluating what to ask, looking at how the data would be used, and assessing what information we already collect from registrants, such as gender and citizenship. We identified the questions that would be most likely to inform our programs and actions at this time and that do not overlap with the information we already have from existing registrant profile data.

  • 8. What should I do if I feel that these questions are missing critical information about my identity?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC recognizes that our work to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in the professions is a journey that will evolve and develop, similar to a continuous improvement approach. At this time we are collecting data that we know will be used to support our ongoing development of our EDI action plan. We are interested in hearing from you if you have suggestions on what additional data you believe we should collect. Suggestions can be sent to [email protected].