Engineers and Geoscientists BC

High School

Our Career Awareness outreach program, which connected K-12 educators with engineers and geoscientists to promote the professions, has been discontinued as of December 31, 2024, as it no longer fits within Engineers and Geoscientists BC's mandate as a regulator. For more information about this and other recent changes made to align our operations with the Professional Governance Act, please visit the Advocacy Body webpage

Still listed here are some freely available educational resources to promote interest in the professions of engineering and geoscience. 

Do you want a career that makes an impact on the world around you? Engineers and geoscientists are professionals who work with ideas, technology, and information to invent and implement new processes and technologies which improve the world we live in. A degree in engineering or geoscience can provide you with endless career possibilities.


Planning Your Education

A degree in engineering or geoscience typically requires four years of post secondary education. Many post-secondary institutions also offer a five year degree which includes one year of paid, supervised work experience, such as a co-op or internship program.

For entrance to most post-secondary institutions you will need a high school diploma with the following:

  • English 12
  • Math 12
  • Physics 12
  • Chemistry 12

Each institution has different entrance requirements. Contact post-secondary institutions directly to learn about what courses and grades are required for their programs.

There are two ways to begin your engineering or geoscience education:

1. Direct University Entrance

Engineering students enter a general science program in their first year, and begin studying engineering in their second year. Engineering programs at Canadian universities are accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board to ensure they meet all the professional engineering licensing requirements.

Geoscience students normally study in the departments of geology, geography, earth sciences, or ocean sciences. Geoscience programs are not formally accredited, so students who wish to obtain their professional geoscience license should make sure they have the courses required to obtain registration with us.

2. College Transfer

Many colleges in BC offer one and two year engineering programs.  Upon successful completion, you will be eligible for direct transfer into an accepting university engineering program.

There are no formal geoscience transfer programs, but students may be able to transfer if their GPA meets the academic requirements for the accepting university.

Engineering and geoscience programs in BC:

Post-secondary School List

Engineering and geoscience programs are available at the BC schools listed.

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Various scholarships are offered by the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation, Branches, and Divisions that recognize outstanding student achievements and contributions to the advancement of the professions.

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Educator's Resources

Engineers and Geoscientists BC has several resources available for teachers including engineering and geoscience related activities, an online game called EnGenious for students and much more. We also arrange for school visits where a engineer or geoscientist visit classrooms and discuss these careers.

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Careers in Engineering and Geoscience

Are you interested in learning more about the careers available in engineering and geoscience? Check out the websites below for more information: