Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Registration Reinstatement

You can reinstate your registration in BC if you were once registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC and your registration has lapsed or been cancelled or if you resigned your registration.

You can reinstate your registration to practice if you were registered with us as a professional engineer (P.Eng.), professional geoscientist (P.Geo.), professional licensee engineering (P.L.Eng.), or professional licensee geoscience (P.L.Geo.). You can also reinstate your practice rights if you are currently a non-practising registrant.

You can also reinstate your registration without practising rights. This could apply to you if you are a former P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo and you do not wish to practice. It could also apply if you were registered as an engineer-in-training (EIT) or a geoscientist-in-training (GIT).

Apply for Reinstatement of Practice Rights

The application requirements to reinstate your practice rights are slightly different depending on your circumstances. Use the following table to find your category:

Identify Your Category

Category 1One of the following two scenarios applies to you: 
  • You were registered to practice in BC as a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo. and your registration has been cancelled. 
  • You are a current registrant who has held non-practising status for six months or less.
Category 2You were registered to practice in BC as a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo. and: 
  • Your practice rights in BC have lapsed; AND 
  • You have maintained full practising membership, registration, or licence with another Canadian regulator, or you hold a US State Board of Professional Engineer or Geoscientist Registration or Licensure.
Category 3You were registered to practice in BC as a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo. and your practice rights have lapsed for between six and 18 months.
Category 4You were registered to practice in BC as a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo. and your practice rights have lapsed for between 18 and 36 months.
Category 5You were registered to practice in BC as a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., or P.L.Geo. and your practice rights have lapsed for more than 36 months.

The application process depends on your category.

All applicants seeking to reinstate their status in BC will need to:

  • Submit an application for reinstatement of practice rights.
  • Pay a reinstatement of practice rights application fee. 
  • Provide certified copies of two pieces of government-issued ID. Both pieces of ID must contain your full legal name and be valid (i.e., not expired) at the time of registration. At least one piece of ID must contain your photo. Please refer to the Guideline on Certified Identification Documents for a list of acceptable certifying officials and the steps for ID certification. Please upload the certified copies of the two pieces of ID as a single PDF on the application dashboard.

The application form will explain the additional requirements specific to your situation, which are described in the table below by category.

Application Requirements for Each Category

Category 1Completion of Continuing Education Program requirements that were in progress or incomplete when the licence ended.
Category 2
  • Disclosure of the Canadian regulator(s) or US State Board(s) with whom you hold full practising membership, registration, or licence 
  • If you are licensed with a US State Board and are not subscribed to the NCEES service, you will need to send a Confirmation Request Form to the state board for them to fill out and send directly back to Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
Category 3No additional application requirements.
Category 4
  • Two referees who can attest to your good character and good repute and competency to engage in Reserved Practice 
  • Professional record of your work experience, such as a detailed resumé 
  • Completion of the Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC Online Seminar. You meet this requirement if you completed the seminar previously, attended the Law and Ethics Seminar, or if you purchased and viewed the CD set.
Category 5
  • Two referees who have known you over the total number of years since your registration lapsed and who can attest to your good character and good repute and competency to engage in Reserved Practice 
  • Professional record of your work experience, such as a detailed resumé 
  • Completion of the Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC Online Seminar regardless of whether you completed this seminar or the Law and Ethics seminar 
  • Write and receive a passing mark on the National Professional Practice Examination if you have not written and passed it before now 
  • You may be required to work under professional supervision for a period of time on terms set by the Board and to provide references from your professional supervisor about your work.

Apply for Reinstatement

Apply for Reinstatement as a Trainee or Non-Practising Registrant

To reinstate your status as a trainee or non-practising registrant, you will need to:

  • Submit an application for reinstatement of status.
  • Pay a reinstatement application fee.
  • Provide certified copies of two pieces of government-issued identification (ID). Both pieces of ID must contain your full legal name and be valid (i.e., not expired) at the time of registration. At least one piece of ID must contain your photo. Please refer to the Guideline on Certified Identification Documents for a list of acceptable certifying officials and the steps for ID certification. Please upload the certified copies of the two pieces of ID as a single PDF on the application dashboard.

It will take one to two weeks for us to review your application. If we approve your application, we will send you a notification email.

You do not have practice rights when you reinstate as a non-practising registrant. If you want to practice engineering or geoscience in BC you must apply to reinstate your practice rights, as described above.


See our Fees page to find out the current application fee and the fees required for the National Professional Practice Examination and Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC Online Seminar (required for some applicants).

Application Review

We will review your application once we have received all your required documents. The table below shows the estimated time for us to review your application and reinstate your practice rights depending on your category.

CategoryEstimated Time
Category 15–10 business days
Category 25–10 business days
Category 35–10 business days
Category 42–6 weeks, depending on your currency of practice
Category 52–6 weeks or to completion of supervised practice, depending on your currency of practice

Check Your Application Status

If we approve your application, we will send you a notification email.

Still have questions? View Registration FAQs.

For further inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or 604.412.4856.