Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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100th Annual General Meeting Overview

Posted on November 6, 2019
100th Annual General Meeting Overview

Engineers and Geoscientists BC held its 100th annual general meeting on October 19, 2019, in Kelowna, BC. There were 126 members, 11 members-in-training, 9 students, and 27 guests in attendance at the meeting, held at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), the organization’s 2018/2019 president, chaired the meeting.

President Tarnai-Lokhorst opened the meeting, acknowledging the ancestral, traditional and unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Peoples, and in particular, the Westbank First Nation. CEO and Registrar, Ann English, P.Eng., read greetings from Premier John Horgan on behalf of the Government of BC. A motion to approve the agenda was carried and meeting rules were approved as circulated. The previous year’s annual general meeting minutes were approved.

Presentation on Nomination Process

Chair of the Nominating Committee, Caroline Andrewes, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), CPA, CMA, presented an update on the introduction of a new merit-based selection process for candidates to be nominated for election to Council. The presentation highlighted changes that were introduced under the Professional Governance Act and outlined the newly-designed candidate selection framework, which supports a structured and comprehensive process for the review and selection of nominees.

Council Election Results

Kathleen Kompauer, P.Eng., Scrutineer for the 2019/2020 council election, announced the election results, which are provided at

Annual Report and Financial Statements, Greetings, and In Memoriam

Reports on activities during the 2018/2019 year were provided by President Tarnai-Lokhorst, and CEO and Registrar, Ann English, P.Eng. Councillor David Wells, JD, presented a report from the Government Appointees to Council. Councillor Suky Cheema, CPA, CA, provided a report on the association’s audited Financial Statements. More information is provided in the 2018/2019 Annual Report, at

Engineers Canada president David Lynch, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.), and Geoscientists Canada CEO Andrea Waldie, P.Geo., FGC, brought greetings to the assembly from their respective organizations.

The assembly observed a moment of respectful silence in acknowledgment and remembrance of members of the association who passed away during the previous year.

Motions Brought Forward by Members

Members had the opportunity to present motions for the consideration of Council. No advance motions were submitted ahead of the AGM. One motion was presented on the floor at the meeting.

Motion 1: That Council consider reviewing and presenting to members on the pros and cons of establishing a sister body of members to focus on member advocacy, similar to Ontario where the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers was established, to allow Engineers and Geoscientists BC to focus on regulatory responsibilities.

The motion was carried.

Introduction of the 2019/2020 Council

Outgoing president Tarnai-Lokhorst welcomed the association’s president for 2019/2020, Lianna Mah, P.Eng. President Mah recited the oath of office and introduced the members of the 2019/2020 Council. Outgoing president Tarnai-Lokhorst announced the date of the 2020 conference and AGM in Victoria, BC, October 15–17, and adjourned the meeting.

Photo: Mike Crane Photography