Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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CE Requirements Due in 2024

Posted on October 24, 2023
CE Requirements Due in 2024

As part of the Continuing Education (CE) Program, professional registrants must complete 60 CE Hours in every three-year rolling period.

The first three-year rolling period will be ending on June 30, 2024. By that time, most professional registrants, specifically those first registered before January 2022, will need to complete 60 CE Hours.

One CE Hour is one hour of learning that contributes to maintaining registrants competency in their area(s) of practice.

A learning activity counts towards your CE Hours if it meets all the following criteria:

  • It is relevant to your area(s) and industry of practice;
  • It contributes to the development or maintenance of your skills and/or knowledge; and
  • It is outside of your day-to-day job duties

Common CE activities include learnings from an in-person or virtual course, webinar, or conference. Relevant lunch and learns, reading technical journals and volunteering also count towards your CE activities.

A valuable resource to accrue CE Hours is the Knowledge Centre , hosted on the Engineers and Geoscientists BC website, which offers more than 130  courses, including almost 100 free offerings.

As the practices of engineering and geoscience are constantly evolving, CE supports registrants in their efforts to stay current with changes, which is necessary for maintaining competency and fulfilling registrants' primary duty to protect the public and the environment.

Visit the CE requirements page for more information on detailed requirements.