Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Compliance Rate High for Annual Reporting

Posted on July 4, 2023
Compliance Rate High for Annual Reporting

Almost 20% more registrants completed their Annual Reporting (AR) by this year's June 30 deadline than last year.

“We are pleased to see a 91.8% compliance rate for AR by this year's deadline, up from 72.1% last year," said Engineering and Geoscientists BC’s Chief Regulatory Officer, David Pavan. "Registrants are to be congratulated for their commitment to meeting regulatory obligations." 

"We received feedback from multiple stakeholders that this year’s process was smoother and more intuitive, largely due to the new resources we have developed for guidance.” said Pavan.

Late filing

Registrants who did not meet the deadline must complete their requirements and pay a late fee by September 30 to avoid suspension.

Practising registrants must complete and report their Continuing Education (CE) activities before completing their AR requirements. Trainees and non-practising registrants are exempt from CE Program requirements; however, they must complete the Annual Reporting process.

Registrants who have not completed their AR by December 31, 2023, will have their registration cancelled.

To review the status of reporting requirements, registrants can go to their Account Dashboard. Requirements that are highlighted in yellow with a "late" status will need to be addressed.

Late Fees

Trainees and non-practising registrants who did not complete AR by June 30 will be required to pay a $100 late reporting fee. Practising registrants who did not complete the CE Program requirements and submit their AR by June 30 will be required to pay a $200 late completion fee. To avoid suspension, late fees must be paid by September 30.

Registrants who missed the reporting deadline due to an extenuating circumstance may apply for a late fee waiver. More details can be found on the Late fee Waiver Applications page.

More Information

For questions about AR requirements, registrants can visit the Annual Reporting page, email [email protected]a, or call 604.412.4896.

More information on CE reporting requirements and how to report can be found on the Program Overview page or by watching the instructional video.