Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Demographic Report Presents Registrant Identity Data

Posted on October 2, 2024
Demographic Report Presents Registrant Identity Data
After three years of gathering voluntarily submitted demographic data, Engineers and Geoscientists BC is now sharing the detailed results in its Registrant Demographics Report. The data collected allows the organization to better understand the diversity of its registrant base.

The report includes analysis on a range of aspects of identity including sections on gender identity, age, Indigenous identity, racialized identity, sexual minorities, transgender identity, persons with disabilities, and caregiving responsibilities.

From the report, some primary findings include the following:

Survey Participants:

  • About 75% of active registrants responded to optional demographic questions during the Annual Reporting process.
  • 93% are engineering professionals, while 7% are geoscience professionals.
Gender Identity:
  • 80% of participants identify as men.
  • 19% of participants identify as women.
  • Less than 1% of participants identify as non-binary.
  • Less than 1% of participants prefer not to disclose their gender identity.
  • 33% of geoscience professionals identify as women compared to 18% in engineering.

Report Supports EDI Journey

Engineers and Geoscientists BC recognizes the importance of fostering professions that reflect and welcome the diverse members of our society and enable our registrants to contribute to their full potential. To support our equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) journey, we introduced several optional self-identification questions in 2022 as part of our Annual Reporting process. These questions focus on broad categories of self-identity and were developed after extensive research and consultation.

The data collected allows us to better understand the diversity of registrants through measurement of representation and assessment of trends in representation over time. This information will support us in reporting and measuring the success of EDI initiatives and in identifying new actions that will help advance EDI within the professions. Aggregate data will be used to improve and inform programs and actions and to create summary reports to provide information on our registrant population's demographics. Over time these reports will also include trends to track changes and progress.

Analysis and findings will inform our understanding and knowledge of the diversity and experiences of our registrants. This is important to help us identify and address the impacts of our policies, processes and decisions and to ensure that we are effectively supporting and engaging with registrants.

In releasing this report, Engineers and Geoscientists BC expects this data to be of value to individual and firm registrants as well as other regulators, post-secondary institutions, and other interest holders, providing them with information that can inform their own initiatives and actions.

Given that registrants will continue to be able to respond to the self-identification survey annually, Engineers and Geoscientists BC commits to updating this report annually and providing analysis of trends in data over time. Responses to these questions are optional, and registrants can also update or revise their responses if their information or comfort level with disclosure changes.

For more information, see the Demographic Data webpage.

If you have any questions or feedback about the data in this report, please contact us at [email protected].


Photo: Lightspring/Shutterstock