Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Disciplinary Notice: Eric Chrysanthous, Vancouver, BC

Posted on September 6, 2018
Disciplinary Notice: Eric Chrysanthous, Vancouver, BC

Disciplinary Panel finds former member sent unprofessional and threatening communications, and failed to appear for an interview. The Panel ordered his membership cancelled.

A disciplinary inquiry concerning the Notice of Inquiry allegations against Mr. Chrysanthous was scheduled for and held on May 17, 2017. Mr. Chrysanthous was served with the Notice of Inquiry, but did not attend. A panel of the Discipline Committee (the Panel) heard evidence that Mr. Chrysanthous had been properly served notice, and proceeded with the inquiry, which heard from witnesses regarding the allegations.

In June 2017, Mr. Chrysanthous, through legal counsel, requested that the disciplinary inquiry be reopened as Mr. Chrysanthous alleged that he had not been served with the Notice of Inquiry ahead of the disciplinary inquiry.

On August 30, 2017, the Panel issued a decision with regards to the application to reopen the disciplinary inquiry. In its decision, the Panel stated that its decision to proceed with the hearing on May 17, 2017, and the decision that Mr. Chrysanthous was adequately served with the Notice of Inquiry, would not be revisited and the disciplinary inquiry would not be reopened. The Panel allowed Mr. Chrysanthous to make written submissions on the merits of the Notice of Inquiry allegations.

On March 12, 2018, the Panel issued a decision with regards to the allegations set out in the Notice of Inquiry. The Panel found that the content of Mr. Chrysanthous’ communications included threats of violence, allegations of dishonesty, and professional impropriety that are a significant departure from the standard of professional conduct. The Panel found that the threatening tone of the communications caused harm to the individuals named in the communications, and caused harm to the integrity of the profession. The Panel stated that the allegations set out in the Notice of Inquiry were proven on the balance of probabilities and that Mr. Chrysanthous demonstrated unprofessional conduct contrary to the Engineers and Geoscientists Act, and acted in a manner contrary to Principal 7 of the Code of Ethics. Further, the Panel found that by failing to appear for an interview with the subcommittee of the Investigation Committee, Mr. Chrysanthous failed to comply with section 30(4) of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act. The Panel withheld judgment on sanctions and asked for written submissions from the association and Mr. Chrysanthous with regards to appropriate sanctions.

On August 16, 2018, the Panel issued a Decision and Order on Penalty and Costs. The Panel ordered that Mr. Chrysanthous’ membership in the association be immediately cancelled. The Panel ordered that Mr. Chrysanthous pay reasonable costs of the disciplinary proceedings. The Panel directed the association and Mr. Chrysanthous to make submissions related to appropriate costs.

The full text of the decisions can be found on our website.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s website ( contains information on the complaint, investigation and discipline process. You can contact us at 604.558.6647 or toll-free at 1.888.430.8035 ext. 6647 or by email at [email protected].