Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Disciplinary Notice: Tatiana (Tanya) Levin, P.Eng., Richmond, BC

Posted on September 5, 2019
Disciplinary Notice: Tatiana (Tanya) Levin, P.Eng., Richmond, BC
Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Inquiry alleging that Ms. Levin provided engineering services for the design of an onsite sewerage system that was deficient. Instead of proceeding to a disciplinary inquiry, Ms. Levin agreed to a Consent Order, in which her membership is suspended for two months, and a practice restriction is imposed on her licence preventing her from designing sewerage systems unless her designs are peer-reviewed by another member approved by the association’s Registrar. She is also required to pay $7,000 towards the association’s legal costs. The Consent Order allows her to apply to have the practice restriction lifted, provided the peer reviewer agrees, and only after she undergoes a practice review and demonstrates she has completed further training and education related to the design of sewerage systems.   

Engineers and Geoscientists BC issued a Notice of Inquiry to Tatiana (Tanya) Levin, P.Eng., in February 2019, regarding her deficient design of an onsite sewerage system in Richmond, BC.  Instead of proceeding to a disciplinary inquiry, Ms. Levin agreed to a Consent Order, dated August 17, 2019.  

In the Consent Order, Ms. Levin admitted that she demonstrated unprofessional conduct, incompetence, or negligence, and that her conduct was contrary to Principle 1 and Principle 2 of the Code of Ethics, for the following reasons.
  1. The design of the sewerage system, specifications, and supporting documents submitted to the City of Richmond and the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority were not consistent with industry standard practices, because it used a Type 1 treatment method unsuitable for the site; the horizontal separation to the foundation perimeter was too short; the seepage bed was too short and undersized, and; the designed system did not include documented rationales for departures from the Sewerage System Standard Practice Manual (SPM).
  2. She provided a written assurance to Vancouver Coastal Health Authority, pursuant to s. 8(2) of the Sewerage System Regulation, that the design was consistent with standard practice as reflected in the SPM, when she knew, or ought to have known, that it was not.
  3. Before completing the design, she failed to either undertake an adequate soil evaluation (including sufficient percolation or permeability tests in the dispersal area and determining minimum descriptive characteristics of the soil properties), or ensure that one had been undertaken.
  4. While preparing the design, and applying to Vancouver Coastal Health Authority for approval of the design, she accepted and relied upon an incomplete and substandard site and soil evaluation report, which failed to sufficiently set out the soil evaluation information (per item 3).
  5. Her training and experience did not qualify her to accept responsibility for the design of the sewerage system.    
As part of the Consent Order, Ms. Levin agreed to the following provisions.
  1. Her membership in Engineers and Geoscientists BC is suspended for two months, beginning September 1, 2019.
  2. She is restricted from designing sewerage systems unless peer-reviewed by a peer reviewer that is approved by the association’s Registrar.
  3. She is prohibited from acting as an “authorized person” under the Sewerage System Regulation.
  4. She must pay $7,000 towards the association’s legal costs, within 30 days of the date of the Consent Order.  
Ms. Levin can apply to have the practice restrictions lifted, provided that:
  • her onsite sewerage designs have been peer-reviewed for a period of 24 months;
  • the peer reviewer delivers an opinion that Ms. Levin is competent to perform sewerage system designs;
  • she undergoes a practice review; and 
  • she successfully completes two education courses.
The full text of the Consent Order can be found in the Disciplinary Notices section of our website, at

Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s website contains information on the complaint, investigation, and discipline processes. You can contact us at 604.558.6647 or toll-free at 1.888.430.8035 ext. 6647, or by email at [email protected]