Discipline Notice: Brian Smit, P.Eng.

As of March 28, 2024, Mr. Smit’s registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC is suspended for a period of three months.
In 2019, Mr. Smit was retained to prepare structural drawings for the construction of a modular office building near Tofino, BC. The drawings Mr. Smit authenticated for the project failed to comply with the applicable building code requirements and guidelines, particularly with regard to seismic considerations.
In the Consent Order, Mr. Smit admitted that he demonstrated unprofessional conduct related to the project and that he acted contrary to the Bylaws of Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Mr. Smit agreed that, among other things, he failed to:
- provide sufficient details or clearly identify the lateral load path from the roof diaphragms, shear walls, and floor diaphragms on the drawings;
- ensure that his calculations for the project reasonably accounted for the gravity and lateral force resisting elements necessary to avoid possible structural failure; and
- obtain a documented independent review of his structural design for the project.
As outlined in the Consent Order, during the suspension period, Mr. Smit must successfully complete and pass the Professional Engineering and Geoscientists BC Practice in BC online seminar and a structural engineering course. Six months after the suspension period concludes, Mr. Smit must undergo a practice review conducted by the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Audit and Practice Review Committee.
Mr. Smit paid $18,750 toward the legal and investigative costs of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
The full text of the Consent Order can be found in the Disciplinary Notices.