Discipline Notice: Mitchell Jared William Buchmayer, EIT

In 2020 and 2021, Mr. Buchmayer designed and installed a floating steel staircase for a home in North Vancouver, BC. Mr. Buchmayer was not directly supervised by a professional engineer on the project and as an engineer-in-training, was not permitted to engage in the reserved practice of engineering.
Mr. Buchmayer’s work on the project took place when the EGA was in force and after the PGA came into force. As a result, Mr. Buchmayer’s conduct was considered under both the EGA and PGA. Mr. Buchmayer agreed that contrary to the EGA, he engaged in the practice of professional engineering, without supervision, when he prepared the design for the project. Mr. Buchmayer also agreed that he demonstrated professional misconduct contrary to the PGA in relation to the installation of the project.
Mr. Buchmayer was reprimanded by Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Mr. Buchmayer agreed to complete the Professional Engineering and Geoscientists Practice in BC online seminar, and several other Engineers and Geoscientists BC webinars within 30 days of the effective date of the Consent Order.
Mr. Buchmayer paid the maximum fine that can be imposed on a trainee of $2,000 and an additional $2,000 toward the legal and investigative costs of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
The full text of the Consent Order can be found in the Disciplinary Notices section of our website.
Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s website contains information on the complaint, investigation, and discipline processes. You can contact us at 604.558.6647 or toll-free at 1.888.430.8035 ext. 6647, or by email at [email protected].