Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Engineers and Geoscientists BC Seeks Volunteers for Nominating Committee

Posted on November 4, 2020
Engineers and Geoscientists BC Seeks Volunteers for Nominating Committee

Engineers and Geoscientists BC is actively seeking registrants to share their leadership skills and expertise by volunteering on our Nominating Committee. Registrants are welcome and encouraged to apply for this opportunity on our website.

This year, the committee will comprise 5–7 members, following recent changes to the committee’s composition to support the Professional Governance Act (PGA). In addition to designated positions for the Immediate Past President, the Chair of the Branch Representatives, and at least one Public Representative, there are up to 3 positions available for registrants.

The mandate of the Nominating Committee is to seek and select a list of candidates for Council election that they believe best demonstrate the qualities needed for strong leadership of the organization and is diverse and reflective of the organization’s registrant base.

The Committee plays an integral role in supporting the leadership succession of Engineers and Geoscientists BC and to be able to carry out the duties of the Committee, members who serve on the Committee need to be knowledgeable about:

  • Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s mission, vision, and values;
  • Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s governing structure and policies;
  • the role and specific responsibilities attached to the different positions within the Council; and
  • the organization’s strategic direction and associated leadership requirements.

Registrants are encouraged to consider this important volunteer opportunity. For more information on the volunteer opportunity and the mandate of the Nominating Committee, visit

Changes to the Nominating Committee

The PGA introduces several new changes to Engineers and Geoscientists BC governance procedures, including a new nomination process for Council elections. Under this process, all candidates who wish to stand for election must be nominated by the Nominating Committee in accordance with merit-based selection principles. In addition, under the PGA, Chairs of statutory committees must also be vetted and recommended by the Nominating Committee.

Given the expanded scope and importance of the Nominating Committee’s role, the size and composition of the committee has been changed to ensure the committee is equipped to make decisions efficiently, and is supported by individuals with the right background, experience, and skillset to identify future leaders of the organization. All appointments to the Nominating Committee will be qualifications-based and made by Council. Terms and term limits will be established to align with the Council policy on appointments (2-year terms, 6-year term limits), and terms will be staggered to support continuity.

In making these changes, Council’s primary goal was to balance the requirements of the PGA, ensuring the committee functions as well as possible, while also leveraging the opportunity to bring in established best practices and continuing to have diverse registrant representation.

These changes will take effect once the PGA and updated Bylaws come into force. For more information on the PGA, visit

Photo: ©chungking -