Reserved Practice Being Developed for ASTTBC Registrants

The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills has confirmed the intention to develop a reserved practice for applied science technology for registrants of the Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC (ASTTBC). This means that technologists and technicians would be required to register with ASTTBC if they are engaged in work that falls within the new reserved practice of applied science technology. Currently, technologists and technicians can choose whether to register with ASTTBC.
The Ministry has been leading this work in close collaboration with ASTTBC and Engineers and Geoscientists BC over the past three years. In the course of this work, four policy statements were jointly agreed to and will guide the development of a legislative framework for reserved practice. Importantly, the policy statements confirm that no changes would be proposed to the reserved practice of professional engineers and licensees. Professional engineers and licensees would continue to supervise those performing work in the reserved practice of engineering and would also be able to practice and supervise others in the future reserved practice of applied science technology.
The policy statements agreed to are:
- EGBC registrants can choose to supervise either an ASTTBC registrant or any non-registrant to perform work in the reserved practice of EGBC.
- EGBC’s reserved practice remains the same and is not to be impacted.
- EGBC registrants can continue to practice in the new reserved practice of ASTTBC.
- Either an ASTTBC registrant or an EGBC registrant can supervise a non-registrant conducting work in the new reserved practice of ASTTBC.
“Engineers and Geoscientists BC fully supports the creation of a reserved practice for ASTTBC registrants,” said Heidi Yang, P.Eng., Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s CEO. “Ensuring applied science technology work is undertaken by qualified, accountable professionals strengthens the delivery of safe and reliable services at all levels – something that Engineers and Geoscientists BC and ASTTBC are both committed to.”
This work also addresses the Ministry’s concern that fewer technologists and technicians are registering with ASTTBC, creating a gap in regulatory oversight.
The exact scope of the future reserved practice for applied science technology is currently being defined. Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s goal is to work with ASTTBC and the Ministry to ensure that any proposed scope of work is specific enough to delineate the boundaries between each profession and can be easily understood by the public and others, including registrants of each regulatory body and Authorities Having Jurisdiction.
To ensure that development of a reserved practice is informed by feedback from registrants and others who may be impacted by this change, the Ministry has committed to seeking input on the proposal for reserved practice from key partners, including registrants of both regulatory bodies. The Ministry intends to bring the proposal forward for decision in the near future, depending on proposal readiness and availability of government decision makers.
Engineers and Geoscientists BC also intends to gather feedback from registrants and firms as this work progresses. If you have relevant experience related to how engineers and technologists work together that would inform how the area of reserved practice could be defined, please email [email protected].
You can share your thoughts on this issue at [email protected]. While we cannot respond to all comments, we will summarize and share feedback with our internal working group.
Photo: romakoma/ Shutterstock