Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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The Current Status of the Professional Governance Act

Posted on December 5, 2019
The Current Status of the Professional Governance Act

As we cross the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Professional Governance Act, Engineers and Geoscientists BC continues to work closely with government and other stakeholders to ensure that the implementation of the new Act enhances protection of the public.

While the new Act was brought into law in November 2018, implementation of the Act is ongoing, through the development of regulations that will guide the new Act from policy to implementation. As these regulations are developed, related portions of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act will be repealed. The new Actis expected to come fully into force in the Fall of 2020.

Some aspects of the new Act already apply. For instance, the process for nominating members to run for election to Council has changed to a merit-based model. Engineers and Geoscientists BC anticipated this change before it came into effect, and our nomination and election process is fully compliant with the new Act.

Regulations for other aspects of the new Act are still in development. These include Regulation of Firms, Competency and Conflict of Interest Declarations, and Independent Practice Rights of Professionals. While these aspects of the Act will only come into force once regulations have been developed, Engineers and Geoscientists BC expects to provide its input to this process and to help guide their implementation.

One important recent development is the appointment of Paul Craven, leader of the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance. The office will oversee Engineers and Geoscientists BC, as well as the four other regulatory bodies included in the legislation, to ensure qualified professionals are acting in the public interest. Mr. Craven recently delivered a keynote address at Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Annual Conference, and wrote a feature opinion article in Innovation magazine.

As new regulations are developed, Engineers and Geoscientists BC Council will also be required to update association Bylaws, to ensure they align with the requirements of the Professional Governance Act. This process will include legal review, researching the potential impacts of various requirements, and liaising with government. As Council’s work progresses, Engineers and Geoscientists BC will continue to inform its members through eNews and Innovation magazine.

To learn more about the Professional Governance Act, visit