Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Updated Seismic Retrofit Guidelines Workshop on January 31

Posted on January 7, 2025
Updated Seismic Retrofit Guidelines Workshop on January 31
Engineers and Geoscientists BC is providing training for the new edition of the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines (SRG2023) and the updated Seismic Performance Analyzer (Analyzer I).

The in-person workshop runs 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, January 31. Attendance is mandatory for structural engineers providing services on Ministry of Education-funded school seismic projects. Access to SRG2023, including Analyzer I, will be provided to those who attend the workshop.

Morning sessions on SRG2023 will cover implementation, development, and administrative provisions, as well as key changes from SRG2020. Afternoon sessions will be broken into two streams. Stream 1 will offer detailed sessions on Manual 2 (the backbone of the SRG) and Analyzer I (Manual 3). Stream 2 will cover details on SSRA/Vs30 (Manual 9) and Cost-Effective Retrofits (Manual 8 and others).

Those attending SRG training for the first time must attend Stream 1. Those who have been trained on SRG in the past may attend either Stream 1 or Stream 2, or a combination of the two. At this time, training on the SRG is voluntary for geotechnical engineers.

Register online for the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines 2023 Edition Workshop.


Photo: Josef Hanus / Shutterstock