Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Climate Change Information Portal

The following guidelines address climate change at the municipal, provincial, and national scale, supplementing our "Professional Practice Guidelines – Incorporating Climate Resilience in the Design of Highway Infrastructure in British Columbia" and our "Professional Practice Guidelines – Legislated Flood Assessments in a Changing Climate in BC".

BC Ministry of EnvironmentSea Dikes and Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use
Guidelines for Management of Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use
This document provides guidelines to support the development and implementation of land-use management plans for lands that are exposed to coastal flood hazards and sea level rise due to climate change.
BC TRAN, Nodelcorp Consulting Inc., and PCICConsiderations for Highway Management, Design, Operation, and Maintenance in British Columbia
Best Practices Document
This Best Practices Document provides guidance on integrating climate change considerations into ongoing management, planning, engineering, maintenance, and operations activities within the BCMoTI. It outlines general approaches to consider for adapting practices to accommodate impacts of changing climate on BC highway infrastructure systems.
City of BostonCity of Boston Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines (Draft)
The City of Boston's draft Coastal Flood Resilience Design Guidelines document is a resource to help Boston proprety owners and developers make informed, forward-looking decisions about flood protection for existing buildings and new construction.
Engineers CanadaPrinciples of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Engineers
These guidelines provide nine principles as a basis for sound professional judgement to ensure that engineers consider the implications of climate change in their professional practice and that they create a clear record of the outcomes of those considerations.

View the Guidelines
Infrastructure CanadaClimate Lens General Guidance
The Climate Lens is a horizontal requirement applicable to Infrastructure Canada’s Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), and Smart Cities Challenge. It has two components: the GHG mitigation assessment, which will measure the anticipated GHG emissions impact of an infrastructure project, and the climate change resilience assessment, which will employ a risk management approach to anticipate, prevent, withstand, respond to, and recover from a climate-change-related disruption or impact. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to project proponents who may need to undertake a Climate Lens assessment. Please ensure you consult the Infrastructure Canada website to ensure you have the most recent version of this guidance before undertaking a Climate Lens assessment.
International Hydropower Association (IHA)Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience Guide
Hydropower projects across the globe are being impacted by extreme weather events and changes in hydrological patterns in a world altered by climate change. To facilitate the development of hydropower infrastructure that can withstand the risks of variable climatic conditions, International Hydropower Association, together with a range of partners, prepared this guide with the objective of providing practical and systematic guidance for hydropower engineers, operators, and project owners to develop climate resilient projects.
Mining Association of CanadaGuide on Climate Change Adaptation for the Mining Sector
The Guide on Climate Change Adaptation for the Mining Sector helps companies identify physical risks and potential impacts of climate change and implement adaptation measures.
Ministry of Water, Land and Air ProtectionThe Flood Hazard Land Use Management Guidelines intend to help local governments, land-use managers, and approving officers develop and implement land-use management plans, and make subdivision approval decisions in areas subject to flood hazards.
National Research Council Canada
An inventory of methods for estimating climate change-informed design water levels for floodplain mapping
New York City Mayor’s Office of Recovery and ResiliencyNew York City: Version 4.0 Climate Resiliency Design Guidelines
These guidelines provide information about planning across the life of infrastructure, managing uncertainty, project-specific considerations, and resilient design adjustments relevant to buildings sector, as well as general civil engineering.