Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Certified Professional Program

What is the Certified Professional Program?

The Certified Professional (CP) Program is an alternative to the conventional Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) process for building permitting and monitoring of construction. As part of this alternative process the CP provides their professional assurance to the AHJ that they will take all appropriate steps to ascertain that the design will substantially comply and the construction of the project will substantially conform in all material respects with the fire and life safety, and accessibility aspects of the building code, other applicable safety enactments, and the related development permit. The Chief Building Official of an AHJ relies upon the CP’s assurances in issuing Building Permits and Occupancy Permits for a project constructed under the CP Program. The CP Manual is intended to be used as a guide in executing the CP Program in the Province of British Columbia where local governments have adopted the CP Program.

The CP Program is administered jointly by Engineers and Geoscientists BC and the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC). An architect registered with AIBC or a professional engineer registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC can qualify as a Certified Professional (CP). The CP Program course covers advanced code knowledge and the detailed application of Division A, Division B Parts 1 and 3, and Division C of the BC Building Code and the Vancouver Building By-law. It also covers the requirements and demonstrations on sample projects on how Certified Professionals practice in the cities of Vancouver, Surrey, and other participating municipalities. The AIBC and Engineers and Geoscientists BC run the CP Course and maintain a list of those who have successfully completed the CP Course and upgrade requirements.

For more information about the CP Professional Program, including a list of Certified Professionals, the program framework, and grant links, please visit the Architectural Institute of British Columbia website.