Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Certified Professional Program

What is the Certified Professional Program?

The Certified Professional (CP) Program is an alternative to the conventional Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) process for building permitting and monitoring of construction. As part of this alternative process the CP provides their professional assurance to the AHJ that they will take all appropriate steps to ascertain that the design will substantially comply and the construction of the project will substantially conform in all material respects with the fire and life safety, and accessibility aspects of the building code, other applicable safety enactments, and the related development permit. The Chief Building Official of an AHJ relies upon the CP’s assurances in issuing Building Permits and Occupancy Permits for a project constructed under the CP Program. The CP Manual is intended to be used as a guide in executing the CP Program in the Province of British Columbia where local governments have adopted the CP Program.

The CP Program is administered jointly by Engineers and Geoscientists BC and the Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC). An architect registered with AIBC or a professional engineer registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC can qualify as a Certified Professional (CP). The CP Program course covers advanced code knowledge and the detailed application of Division A, Division B Parts 1 and 3, and Division C of the BC Building Code and the Vancouver Building By-law. It also covers the requirements and demonstrations on sample projects on how Certified Professionals practice in the cities of Vancouver, Surrey, and other participating municipalities. The AIBC and Engineers and Geoscientists BC run the CP Course and maintain a list of those who have successfully completed the CP Course and upgrade requirements.

Why Use a Certified Professional?

There are many reasons why an owner chooses to use this Alternate Permit Process. Usually the owner uses the CP permit process to expedite the building permit issuance. In some jurisdictions, the CP permit process may allow for staged permitting and staged construction, which can be attractive to fast-track projects. Staged permitting and staged construction is generally not available, except on a Certified Professional project.

The owner has an expectation that the CP is looking after the owner’s best interests. Since the CP is also acting on behalf of the AHJ in undertaking plan reviews and site reviews, the CP also has an obligation to the AHJ in respect to “Code Coordination” (refer to Section 4.2 of the CP Manual). Although there may be a perceived conflict of interest in these two roles of the CP, in actual fact there is no conflict. The CP is a registered professional architect or engineer and is bound by the bylaws and code of ethics of their professional association which mandates protection of the public as the primary responsibility of their registrants.

The use of the CP process is not mandatory for permit issuance. Practising as a CP is an earned privilege. In order for the CP Program to operate successfully, the CP must demonstrate competence in code knowledge and must be familiar with procedures as outlined in the CP Manual. The AHJ places a high level of expectation on the CP, as a result, CP projects are given significantly less oversight than conventional projects by local government staff.


Architectural Institute of British Columbia/Engineers and Geoscientists BC Certified Professional Program Manager

Anja Slusarzick-Seibt, Architect AIBC, CP | CP Program Manager

Tel: 604.424.0326

Toll-Free: 1.888.430.8035 ext.8185

Email: [email protected]

The Architectural Institute of British Columbia
100 – 440 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V6B 2N5
Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia
200 - 4010 Regent Street, Burnaby, BC, V5C 6N2


List of Certified Professionals

List of Certified Professionals as of January 2023

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To find CP-related job opportunities, please visit:

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