Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Climate Change Action Plan FAQs

Below are answers to frequently asked questions about the Climate Change Action Plan. 

  • 1. Why did Engineers and Geoscientists BC develop an action plan?

    Engineers and geoscientists can play a key role in developing solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change. They are facing increased expectations from clients and employers to address climate change in their professional work and look to Engineers and Geoscientists BC to provide guidance and direction on how to do this.

    At the 2018 Annual General Meeting, a motion was brought forward to the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Council to consider undertaking and putting the necessary resources into the development of a comprehensive action plan that will provide direction on the roles and duties of registrants in addressing the issue of a changing climate. In response to this motion, Council directed the Climate Change Advisory Group to develop a Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP). 

  • 2. What is the purpose of the Climate Change Action Plan?

    The Climate Change Action Plan is intended to be a tangible and pragmatic plan that Engineers and Geoscientists BC can use to guide specific initiatives, programs, and policies to better support registrants in addressing climate change considerations in their work. Understanding how Engineers and Geoscientists BC can support its registrants is important to ensuring the professions effectively respond to the impacts of a changing climate within their professional practice.

  • 3. What is Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s position on climate change?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC accepts that the global climate is changing at an unprecedented rate and that emissions from human activities are leading contributors to this change. In 2014 and 2016, Engineers and Geoscientists BC developed position papers on the topic of adaptation and mitigation. These can be accessed at  

  • 4. Will Engineers and Geoscientists BC be declaring a Climate Emergency?

    No. Our role is to regulate the professions of engineering and geoscience by upholding standards for entry and practice. However, we recognize that the climate is changing, and we have several resources available to our registrants to support them in meeting their professional and ethical obligations – including the obligation to consider the impacts of climate change in their work.

  • 5. What resources to do you have to support registrants?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC established a Climate Change Advisory Group in 2012 and have been working with this group ever since to build resources for registrants to assist them in expanding their knowledge and skillset when it comes to including climate change considerations in their professional work. This includes resources on our website, practice guidelines, CPD sessions, and dedicated staff support.

  • 6. Will Engineers and Geoscientists BC be developing climate-related professional practice guidelines that are specific to each area of practice?

    The Climate Change Advisory Group has reviewed and identified specific professional practice guidelines that will need revision to address climate considerations, with others to be updated in the future. Professional practice guidelines undergo revisions every five years.

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC is also developing a sustainability primer that will provide high-level guidance for registrants looking to incorporate sustainability principles into their professional practice.

  • 7. The effects of a changing climate are more immediate in some areas of professional practice than others. How will Engineers and Geoscientists BC ensure the action plan is relevant to all registrants?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC recognizes the effects of a changing climate will require more immediate action in certain areas of professional practice than others. However, climate change is a complex, trans-generational issue with challenges and opportunities for the immediate and long-term future which can only be effectively tackled by a measured approach that elicits a ‘culture shift’ in the way we practice our professions.

    As such, the intent of the action plan is to provide Engineers and Geoscientists BC with a long-term strategic approach to considering climate change and its impact on the engineering and geoscience professions. It will guide the development of well-informed decisions and actions that ensure the future engineering and geoscience professions continue to work in the public interest.

Have a question that we didn't answer here? Contact [email protected]