Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Engineers and Geoscientists BC Representative on the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board

Location: Burnaby, BC
Date Posted: January 21, 2025
Closing Date: 2/11/2025 11:59:59 PM
Status 3-year term
Terms of Reference


The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) is seeking a representative from the British Columbia region who will contribute to the CEAB’s ongoing work to accredit undergraduate engineering education programs across Canada. This is a volunteer position at a national level that includes significant travel to meetings and participation in on-site accreditation visits at higher education institutions across Canada.

Reporting Structure:

The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board is a standing committee reporting to the Engineers Canada Board.


The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB) accredits undergraduate engineering education programs across Canada. Accreditation identifies to the provincial and territorial regulators those engineering programs whose graduates are academically qualified to begin the process to be licensed as professional engineers in Canada.

The CEAB is a standing committee reporting to the Engineers Canada Board, and produces information needed for the Engineers Canada Board to make decisions on matters relating to engineering education and accreditation in Canada. The CEAB is comprised of senior engineering practitioners from academia, the public sector, and private industry. To learn more about the responsibilities and expectations of CEAB members, please refer to the CEAB Terms of Reference (Appendix A).

Engineers Canada is dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the engineering profession and every effort will be made to reflect the diversity of the membership of the engineering profession. Engineers Canada is committed to Indigenous people’s access to engineering and is also committed to supporting the recruitment, retention, and professional development of women in engineering. Engineers Canada’s official commitment to the Federal Government’s 50-30 Challenge underscores its dedication to achieving gender balance and enhancing the representation of underrepresented groups throughout the organization.

Volunteer Duties and Expectations:

  • Provide a linkage with their provincial regulator by acting as a liaison between the Board and the provincial regulator.
  • Attend scheduled meetings.
  • Comply with Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Volunteer Guidelines (see Terms of Reference - Appendix B).
  • Comply with the duties and obligations of Directors as set out in Part 9 of the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Be a registered professional engineer in good standing with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
  • Have had experience volunteering with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.
  • Must be licensed to practice engineering in Canada.
  • Must have a keen interest in engineering education and accreditation processes.
  • Work experience in industry and/or academia.
  • Experience in CEAB accreditation visits is preferred.
  • Ability to conduct accreditation visits in English is required.
  • Ability to conduct accreditation visits in French is preferred.

Term of Office:

  • Members of the CEAB are normally appointed for three years by the Engineers Canada Board, based on recommendations of the Accreditation Board Nominating Subcommittee. Appointments are renewable for two additional terms (a total of up to nine years).

Average Time Commitment:

This is a volunteer position at a national level that includes significant travel to attend three meetings per year and on-site accreditation visits in higher education institutions across Canada. As such, only members with flexibility to travel will be considered. The expenses associated with the travel are covered by Engineers Canada. There is no remuneration for the position. The travel and meetings are scheduled during both normal business hours and on weekends.

A high time commitment is required for this position:
  • CEAB members are expected to attend at least two face-to-face and two virtual multi-day meetings per year. Preparation for these meetings can take 6 - 8 hours. Typically, the meeting in June is in Ottawa and the September meeting rotates around the country.
  • In addition to meetings, members are expected to conduct at least one accreditation visit per year. The time commitment for the visit is between 75 and 150 hours (including approximately 3 days on site).
  • CEAB members are expected to participate in teams to evaluate programs for accreditation, taking 3 – 8 hours in the spring, summer, and/or fall.
  • CEAB members also serve on Working Groups to contribute to the CEAB’s annual workplan.


This position provides a unique opportunity to meet and collaborate with other senior members of the engineering profession from across Canada. Members of the CEAB make important contributions to the profession by identifying to the member engineering regulators of Engineers Canada those engineering programs whose graduates are academically qualified to begin the process to be licensed as professional engineers in Canada.