Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Post-Secondary Entrance and Transfer Scholarship

Please use the form below to apply for either the Entrance Scholarship or Transfer Scholarship.

Post-Secondary Entrance Scholarships

The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation offers several entry scholarships to British Columbia high school graduates entering engineering or earth science programs at the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver Island University (earth science only), and the University of Northern British Columbia. The entrance scholarships valued at $2,500, are awarded based on a combination of factors, including academic standing, extracurricular activities, financial need, and a student statement.

If you have any questions about the Post-Secondary Entrance Scholarships, please email [email protected].

Post-Secondary Transfer Scholarship

The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation offers scholarships to British Columbia high school graduates entering engineering transfer programs. The transfer scholarship, valued at $2,500, is awarded on the basis of a combination of factors, including academic standing, extracurricular activities, financial need, and student statement.

If you have any questions about the Post-Secondary Transfer Scholarship, please email [email protected].

Application Guidelines

The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation is pleased to offer the Post-Secondary Entrance and Transfer Scholarships to BC secondary students entering engineering or Earth science programs.

Six entrance scholarships, valued at $2,500 each, and one transfer scholarship, valued at $2,500, are awarded on the basis of a combination of factors including:

  • Academic standing;
  • Extracurricular activities;
  • Financial need; and
  • Responses to long-answer questions.

The entrance scholarship is for students entering a 4-year undergraduate engineering (B.A.Sc., B.Eng., or similar) or earth science (B.Sc. or similar) program.

The transfer scholarship is for students entering or currently enrolled in a engineering transfer program (engineering fundamentals, engineering certificate, or similar) with the intention of completing the remainder of an engineering degree at another institution.

The scholarships will be paid directly to the recipient's academic institution upon confirmation of registration.


Completed applications and letters of reference must be received by June 30, 2025.


Applicants must be:

  • Graduating from a BC secondary school in 2025 and entering an engineering or geoscience (earth science, physical geography, or similar) program.
  • Currently enrolled in a engineering transfer program (if applicable).

Your eligibility for either the engineering or transfer scholarship will be determined based on the information in your application and confirmed with you prior to awarding the scholarship.

A student is only eligible for one Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation scholarship each academic year. If you are successful in more than one Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation scholarship competition, you will only receive the award with the highest value.

Transcripts Deadline

Upload your official or unofficial transcript in the academic section below. Your transcript must be complete and include all of your high school courses. Interim transcripts or school report cards will not be accepted.

Transcripts must be received by Engineers and Geoscientists BC on or before September 30, 2025 in order to be considered for this scholarship.

Academic Requirements

You will be evaluated based on your grades in the following courses, as indicated on your transcript. If one of the required courses is not listed on your transcript, you must explain which course was used in its place for post-secondary entrance. This explanation should accompany the official transcript submission.

Entrance – EngineeringEntrance – Geoscience (Earth science)Transfer – Engineering
  • Mathematics 12 or Precalculus 12
  • Chemistry 12
  • Physics 12
  • English 12 or English 12 First Peoples
  • Mathematics 12 or Precalculus 12
  • Two of: Chemistry 12, Physics 12 or Geology 12
  • English 12 or English 12 First Peoples
  • Mathematics or Precalculus 12
  • Physics 12
  • Chemistry 12
  • English 12 or English 12 First Peoples

Important Notes

  • Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
  • Only applications submitted using this online form will be accepted. Mailed, faxed, or emailed applications will not be accepted.
  • For assistance with this form, please email [email protected] or call 604.412.4885.
You are not able to save this form. We highly recommend that you draft the answers to long answer questions in another program (e.g., Word) and paste into the spaces provided.
Provide two letters of reference with your application. Note that relatives may not submit reference letters. Include the name and phone number of your references so the adjudicators may contact them if necessary
Provide two letters of reference with your application. Note that relatives may not submit reference letters. Include the name and phone number of your references so the adjudicators may contact them if necessary
In 750 words or less, tell the scholarship adjudicators about your involvement in school activities, sports, arts, employment, and/or community service. Please describe the activity, length of participation, position/nature of involvement, and how you demonstrated leadership.
In two to three sentences, state what financial need motivates you to apply for this scholarship. In addition to this description, provide a budget plan that shows how you intend to fund your university education. This would include information on savings, employment, awards/bursaries and would compare major sources of revenue to your expenses. The Financial Aid department of your school should have a tool to help you estimate costs while in school. Your post-secondary school may have resources to help you estimate the cost of your education. Use one of these tools to help you start a budget plan.
In 500 words or less, state why you have chosen to study engineering or geoscience. Relate your views on how engineering or geoscience impact society. This is an important factor in selection.