Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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30 by 30

What is 30 by 30?

30 By 30 is a national initiative to increase the number of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30% by the year 2030. The program was initiated by Engineers Canada in 2013. Engineers and Geoscientists BC has been working on a number of initiatives to support diversity in the profession, making participation in this initiative a logical integration.

The goal of 30% is based on a theory developed by Harvard academic, Rosabeth M. Kanter, who asserted that 30% is the critical mass needed for meaningful change that sustains.

The Engineers Canada strategy was updated in 2018 to expand the mandate beyond recruitment to also include retention and continuing education. The 30 by 30 goal remains, but the initiative has expanded to a broader range along the career continuum, recognizing that improvement at all stages support the program goals.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC is committed to the attraction, retention, and advancement of women in the professions of engineering and geoscience. As a 30 by 30 Network Champion, Engineers and Geoscientists BC collaborates with regulators, universities, and industry across the country: accessing and sharing knowledge and best practices to maximize the collective impact.

For more information about the Engineers Canada program, please visit the Engineers Canada 30 by 30 page.

Engineers and Geoscientists BC Strategy

To support reaching the 30 by 30 goal, Engineers and Geoscientists BC's Board has endorsed the organization’s 30 by 30 strategy.

The strategy was developed after an extensive research and data collection process which included a review of current programs, interviews, surveys, research, a review of external programs and initiatives from across the country, as well as consultation with registrants.
Our strategy is based upon the following:

  1. Leveraging our strengths,
  2. Building relationships to maximize collective efforts, and
  3. Supporting girls and women along the full career path.

From this strategy, a Guide to Action has been established. The guide is a collection of one page summaries that outline the application of the strategy, targeted towards each step of the career path from K–12 to professional registrants, as well as the general public, and those that influence career choices.

View the 30 by 30 Strategy and Guide to Action.

Women in Engineering

A component of the 30 by 30 Strategy includes enhancing the public perception of engineering and highlighting diversity within the profession. In alignment with this objective, Engineers and Geoscientists BC is celebrating International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on June 23. INWED aims to raise the profile of women in engineering and focuses attention on the amazing career opportunities available in this industry.

Learn More

How to Get Involved

If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact us at [email protected].