Elementary School Specific
Still listed here are some freely available educational resources to promote interest in the professions of engineering and geoscience.
Engineers and Geoscientists BC has several resources available for educators to help you encourage elementary school students to explore math and science. We want to show students how engineers and geoscientists use their knowledge of the professions to protect the public and improve the world that we live in.
Please see below for more information on what resources are available.
The doodlebook is an interactive learning tool that allows children to explore careers in engineering and geoscience. It includes a variety of activities that encourage children to use their problem-solving skills and creativity, all while having fun.
Science Games Activities
Science Games was a 3-week science journey designed for students in Grades 1–6, and focused on celebrating all things STEM and inspiring future generations of engineers and geoscientists.
You can access past Science Games activities and find links to other cool science-based activity pages in the section below. We hope these activities help students showcase their scientific talent, encourages them to explore their interests in science, and grow confident in their own scientific abilities.
Activity Ideas
There are several websites that have lesson plans and online activities for students. Check out the websites below to explore science and engineering activity ideas for elementary school students:
- Try Engineering
- STEM Outreach - IEEE Canada
- International Year of Planet Earth
- Power Smart for Schools
- Science World: Big Science for Little Hands
Know of another website with science based lesson plans or activities for kids? Share it with [email protected].
Please note: websites whose primary function is based around sales and not education will not be posted.
Engaging Students in STEM
Is one of your students showing interest in math and science? In many cases, all it takes is one adult or mentor to help a young person discover their dream job. To help create an understanding of what engineering and geoscience is, and to learn how to effectively teach youth about these professions, read through the helpful pages below.
- The Difference a Game Can Make
- Engaging Students in STEM
- E-Mentoring programs put on by the Society of Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST)
- PBS Kids Role Model Strategies: Encouraging Girls to Consider STEM Careers
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Information Sheet: Self-Efficacy in STEM
- WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) Atlantic Teacher Resources
For more information about what resources are available for teachers please contact at [email protected] for assistance with:
- General information
- Brochures
- Teaching aids and prizes
- Presentations from an engineer or geoscientist