Engineers and Geoscientists BC

The Nomination Committee is charged with selecting a list of qualified candidates with diverse experience, skills, and expertise that they believe best demonstrate the qualities needed for strong leadership of the organization. To fulfill its mandate, the committee sought candidates through ongoing communication in eNews, Innovation, and online, and through direct outreach to potential candidates.

Requirements under the Professional Governance Act direct that all candidates standing for election must be approved by the Nomination Committee, using a merit-based process.

Candidate Selection Process

Candidates were selected by the committee through a merit-based process that considered their demonstrated skills in leadership, strategy, financial literacy, risk management, human resources, regulatory understanding, governance, and technical proficiency.

The Committee’s candidate selection framework included: a gap analysis (i.e., a review of the skills and experience of remaining Board members); the prioritization of desired skills, competencies, and experience for prospective nominees; diversity considerations; a systematic assessment of candidate skills and competences; and candidate interviews.

To support this process, all prospective nominees were asked to provide: a written summary of their interest to serve on the Board; a current CV; details of how their experience related to the desired skills and competencies; responses to supplementary conflict of interest and declaration questions; and 3 references. Following submission of the required information, all candidates also underwent at least 1 interview.

To reduce unintentional bias, the committee first reviewed and assessed redacted profiles for all prospective nominees with personal identifiers removed, such as name, gender, ethnicity, and region. A second review of candidates was then completed using unredacted profiles. The committee then shortlisted candidates to advance to a second interview. The committee’s deliberations included the consideration of the role requirements, the prioritized skills of leadership and strategy, and the committee’s assessment of the candidate’s skills, competencies, and experience.

Upon completion of its comprehensive and rigorous process, the Nomination Committee nominated 5 candidates for the position of Board member.

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