Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Submit a Complaint

Anyone concerned about the conduct of a registrant, including a registrant firm, can make a complaint to Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

Before proceeding, please note:

  • The process outlined below only applies to complaints about registrants. To submit a complaint about a non-registrant, including a non-registrant firm, who is practising engineering or geoscience, or who is misusing reserved titles of engineers or geoscientists, please visit the Report a Non-Registrant page.
  • The information below is not to be used for complaints about Engineers and Geoscientists BC or associated processes. General feedback can be emailed to [email protected].

Before Making a Complaint Against a Registrant

  • Consider speaking with the registrant about your concerns. Often, a misunderstanding can be resolved simply by discussing the issue.
  • Please be advised that a complaint cannot be withdrawn. Once a complaint has been submitted, Engineers and Geoscientists BC is legally obliged to review the matter to determine whether to investigate. Even if you resolve your concerns with the registrant, the investigation may continue to ensure Engineers and Geoscientists BC meets its duty to serve and protect the public interest.
  • See Possible Outcomes of Complaints to understand what Engineers and Geoscientists BC can and cannot do as a result of a complaint. Specifically, please be advised that Engineers and Geoscientists BC cannot obtain financial or other compensation from one of its registrants on behalf of a complainant. Additionally, Engineers and Geoscientists BC does not generally get involved in employment or contractual related matters, which are best dealt with in civil proceedings.
  • Please review our Complaint Process.
  • Complaints that concern common strata property must include written confirmation from the Chair of the Strata Council that the complaint is being made on behalf of the Strata Corporation. View the Full Strata Policy.

If you are unsure whether to make a complaint, you may contact the Complaint Intake Officers at the contact information provided below. You may also contact our Practice Advice Team at [email protected] about any practice related concerns or questions.

Submit Your Complaint

You can submit your complaint by email (preferred) or mail. Please include:

  • Your name and contact information (e.g., mailing address, email address and phone number);
  • The name of the registrant(s) or registrant firm(s) that your concerns relate to;
  • The details of your concern, including clear allegations against the registrant or registrant firm and any contextual information; and
  • Copies of relevant documents or materials which support the complaint and allegations or any other documents or materials that you believe are relevant.

Complaint letters and enclosures must be of reproducible quality.

Complaints against registrants can be submitted to:

Complaint Intake Team Email: [email protected]
Phone: 604.430.8035
Toll-free: 1.888.430.8035

Or, by mail to: 

Complaints, Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia 
4010 Regent Street 
Burnaby, BC, V5C 6N2


Engineers and Geoscientists BC is committed to conducting thorough investigations into matters that fall under its jurisdiction. Should a complaint result in an investigation, the expected time for an investigation to be concluded and a decision made on the complaint is expected to be greater than one year. However, timelines vary from file to file due to multiple factors such as the nature and complexity of the file, the level of risk involved, the accessibility of relevant information, and the need for technical expertise and review.

Complainants and registrants subject to the investigation are kept up to date on the status of a complaint investigation at regular intervals during the process.

Possible Outcomes of Complaints

To understand how Engineers and Geoscientists BC processes complaints, please visit the Complaint, Investigation and Discipline Process section on the Complaint Process page.

Any disciplinary action that may result from a complaint is strictly between the registrant and Engineers and Geoscientists BC. We cannot order a registrant to correct mistakes, resolve contractual disputes, pay or obtain compensation for a complainant, or give technical advice. Complainants may pursue any monetary claims through the court system.

What Engineers and Geoscientists BC can and cannot do as a result of a complaint:

Engineers and Geoscientists BC can:Engineers and Geoscientists BC cannot:
  • Dismiss the complaint;
  • Make recommendations on how the registrant can improve their practice or conduct;
  • Require the registrant to undergo a practice review;
  • Reprimand the registrant; Impose limits or conditions on the registrant’s practice, including restricting practice;
  • Suspend or cancel registration; and
  • Impose a fine of up to $100,000 for an individual registrant, or $250,000 for a firm registrant.
  • Obtain financial or other compensation from the registrant;
  • Give technical advice about a project;
  • Resolve issues or disputes with registrants or contractors on a complainant’s behalf;
  • Demand action by a registrant; and
  • Affect the issuance of design, building, or other permits or approval processes by third parties.

Duty to Report

Registrants have a duty to report if they identify a risk of significant harm to the environment or to the health or safety of the public or a group of people, or illegal or unethical practice. For more information, visit the Duty to Report page.