Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Renew Your Permit to Practice

Beginning April 1 each year, as part of the Permit to Practice Program, all registrant firms are required to update their information and renew their Permit to Practice by May 31.

Renew Your Permit to Practice

Renewal Requirements

The Responsible Registrant of the firm must log into their account and complete the requirements below. Please note this task can only be completed by a Responsible Registrant.

  1. Keep the firm’s information up to date.

By May 31, verify the firm’s registration information:

  • The firm’s business name;
  • The names and business contact information for the firm’s Responsible Officer and Responsible Registrant(s);
  • The firm’s industry(ies), area(s) of practice, addresses of the firm’s main office, and business locations in BC;
  • The firm's roster of registrants. The roster must be kept up to date and include non-practising registrants (will not be calculated in the renewal fee) and will be reviewed for accuracy; and
  • The number of individuals employed by or under contract who are registrants of each regulatory body under the Professional Governance Act.
  1. Pay an annual fee.

By May 31, pay the annual Permit to Practice fee. A multi-professional firm’s annual fee is calculated using the following formula: √N x $500, where N is the number of Engineers and Geoscientists BC registrants on staff.

Sole practitioners receive a 50% discount resulting in a flat rate of $250 annually for the Permit to Practice fee.

Note: Fees are non-refundable.

Failure to Renew on Time

If the information update or annual fee payment are not completed by May 31, late fees will be applied. If the information update or annual fee payment (including late fees) are not completed by June 30, the firm will be prohibited from practising and indicated on the public register. The firm may reinstate practice rights if both the information update and annual fee payment are completed by August 31.

If the information update and annual fee payment are not completed by August 31, the firm’s Permit to Practice will be cancelled; firms must then reapply for a Permit to Practice in order to engage in the practice of professional engineering or geoscience.

More Information

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or call 236.521.9146 or toll free 1.888.430.8035 and select option 1.