Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Apply or Reapply for Permit to Practice

Apply or Reapply for a Permit to Practice

Below are the key steps for firms to apply for a Permit to Practice.

PhaseKey Steps
Prepare Application Information1. Identify a Responsible Registrant for your firm.
Firms must identify at least one Responsible Registrant who will acknowledge responsibility for the firm and complete the application on the firm’s behalf. The Responsible Registrant must be an engineering or geoscience professional who will be responsible for ensuring that the firm’s practice meets ethical, quality management, and continuing education requirements. They will also serve as a point of contact for practice reviews, audits, and investigations. Firms can identify more than one Responsible Registrant if needed (e.g., a large firm with multiple lines of business might designate a different Responsible Registrant for each area of practice).

2. Identify a Responsible Officer for your firm.
Firms must identify one Responsible Officer (may be the same individual as the Responsible Registrant). The Responsible Officer is the executive lead for their firm. This person does not need to be a registered engineering or geoscience professional but must have the authority to make binding decisions on behalf of the firm.

3. Build your firm’s Roster.
Identify all staff (including contract staff) who are registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC and other regulators under the PGA, including P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng, P.L.Geo, EIT, and GIT. During the application process, you will need to provide their names and Engineers and Geoscientists BC ID numbers or License numbers.

4. Confirm your firm’s areas of practice.
Identify all areas of practice for which the firm offers services.
ApplyComplete your application and receive your Permit to Practice.

1. Register your firm with Engineers and Geoscientists BC using our online application portal.
To complete your application, you will need:
  • Firm business name
  • Names and business contact information for your firm’s Responsible Officer and Responsible Registrant(s)
  • Your firm’s industry and area(s) of practice
  • Addresses of your firm’s main office and business locations in BC
  • Your firm’s Roster of registrants
2. Pay your firm’s registration and application fees. 
Your firm’s annual registration fee is calculated using the following formula: √N x $500, where N is the number of Engineers and Geoscientists BC registrants on staff. Sole practitioners will get a 50% discount resulting in a flat rate of $250 annually.

An application fee of $350 is also required.

NOTE:  Fees are non-refundable.

3. Complete your firm’s declarations.
The Responsible Registrant(s) and Responsible Officer will be emailed a unique link to review the terms of their respective role and to accept (or decline) the responsibility.

4. Receive your Permit to Practice.
Upon completing the steps above, you will receive your firm’s Permit to Practice. This is provided in the form of a 7-digit Permit to Practice number. The Permit to Practice number must appear on all professional documents issued by the firm.
Within 1 Year of Receiving PermitComplete mandatory training and document your firm’s policies and procedures.

1. Attend a training session.
Responsible Registrant(s) attend an estimated 8-hour online training session. One seat is provided free of charge; additional seats will be available for purchase.

(Training sessions are available online; Responsible Registrants must complete the training no later than 12 months after obtaining the Permit to Practice.)

2. Document your firm’s policies and procedures in a Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP).
Firms will be required to have a Professional Practice Management Plan (PPMP) that address the policies and procedures the firm has in place to meet ethics, quality management, and continuing education requirements. Firms may use existing policies and procedures, develop new policies and procedures from scratch, or use templates made available by Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

3. Implement your firm’s PPMP.
Ensure staff are aware of and following the requirements in the PPMP.

Maintaining your Permit to Practice

Below are the key steps for firms to maintain their Permit to Practice.

1. Keep your firm’s information up to date.
By May 31 each year, verify your firm’s registration information:

  • Firm business name
  • The names and business contact information for your firm’s Responsible Officer and Responsible Registrant(s)
  • If you have identified multiple Responsible Registrants, the areas of practice each individual is responsible for
  • Your firm’s industry and area(s) of practice
  • The addresses of your firm’s main office and business locations in BC
  • Your firm’s Roster of registrants

You must also update the information above within 30 days of a change.

2. Pay an annual fee.
By May 31 each year, pay your annual fee to maintain your Permit to Practice.

3. Review your PPMP and keep it up to date.
Ensure your PPMP is maintained and updated on an annual basis.

4. Comply with regular audits.
Twelve months after receiving your Permit to Practice, your firm will become eligible for a compliance audit. The purpose of the audit is to assess the firm’s compliance with the Professional Governance Act, regulations, bylaws, guidelines, practice advisories, and policies of Engineers and Geoscientists BC including ethical standards, quality management, and continuing education. Engineers and Geoscientists BC will notify the Responsible Registrant(s) when your firm will be audited.