Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Apply if Registered in Australia, Hong Kong, or Ireland

If you are actively registered with Engineers Australia (C.P.Eng.), the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (MHKIE), or Engineers Ireland (CEng MIEI) you may be eligible for a streamlined application process with Engineers and Geoscientists BCMutual recognition agreements with these professional regulatorrecognize the equivalency of the accreditation systems used in Australia, Hong Kong, and Ireland with those in Canada.  

Please note that this streamlined process does not apply if you were granted licensure with the regulator in your home jurisdiction through a third-party mutual recognition agreement. If this applies to you, you must apply for registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC through our standard process.

Apply for Registration

Engineers and Geoscientists BC will verify that you have the appropriate level of registration in good standing with your affiliated regulator. You are also required to meet other requirements to practise as an engineer in BC, including showing proof of experiencecompleting an examination, demonstrating English language competency, and meeting our good character requirements. 


You must show that you have experience that is equivalent to working in a Canadian environment. This experience may be gained in Canada or internationally and is assessed through eight competencies that demonstrate your knowledge and experience of Canadian regulations, codes, standards, quality control, safety awareness, professional accountability, and communication. We will automatically assess your Canadian environment competencies when you complete your Competency Assessment.

Examination Requirement 

You will need to pass the National Professional Practice Examination to demonstrate your knowledge of Canadian professional practice, law, and ethics. We recommend that you write the National Professional Practice Examination shortly after you apply for registration to avoid delays in your registration. 

English Language Competency 

We assess your English language competency by reviewing:

  • The comments of your referees/validators; and 
  • The comments of interviewers (if an interview is required). 

Good Character Requirement 

All applicants must show that they are of good character and good repute. Engineers and Geoscientists BC will review the information provided in your application to ensure you meet these standards. See Good Character Requirement and Registration Hearings for more information. 

How to Apply 

Apply for your P.Eng. registration through our online portal. 

Apply for Registration

Required Documents 

You will need to provide the following to apply for your P.Eng.: 

  • A completed online application 
  • Certified copies of two pieces of government-issued identification (ID). Both pieces of ID must contain your full legal name and be valid (i.e., not expired) at the time of registration. At least one piece of ID must contain your photo. Please refer to the Guideline on Certified Identification Documents for a list of acceptable certifying officials and the steps for ID certification. Please upload the certified copies of the two pieces of ID as a single PDF on the application dashboard.
  • A completed Confirmation Request Form from your home regulator, sent directly to us. 


See our Fees page to find out the current application fees and the fees associated with the required National Professional Practice Examination. 

Application Review 

We will review your application once we have received all of your required documents. Due to the volume of applications we receive, it may take approximately six months for us to review your application.

Check Your Application Status

If we approve your application, we will send you a notification email along with a seal and your certificate of registration.

Still have questions? View Registration FAQs.

For further inquiries, please contact us at [email protected] or 604.412.4856.