Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Privacy Complaint Procedure

A privacy complaint means any complaint relating to Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s compliance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, including in relation to the collection, use, and disclosure of an individual’s personal information or in relation to a request for records in the custody or under the control of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

Privacy complaints should be directed to Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Privacy Analyst by email at [email protected], or in writing to:

Privacy Analyst
Engineers and Geoscientists BC
200-4010 Regent Street
Burnaby, BC, V5C 6N2

Engineers and Geoscientists BC will review privacy complaints and respond in writing to the complainant as soon as possible, depending on the nature and extent of the privacy complaint.

All Engineers and Geoscientists BC staff must cooperate in a timely way with the Privacy Analyst in relation to investigating and responding to privacy complaints. We also expect complainants to cooperate reasonably and in a timely manner with our investigation, including by promptly providing us with information that we might reasonably need to investigate the privacy complaint.

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) has prepared helpful guidance for complaints and a form that may be used to submit privacy complaints to public bodies like Engineers and Geoscientists BC, see: How to File a Complaint to A Public Body.

It is the policy of the OIPC to defer investigating a complaint if the complainant has not first given the public body an opportunity to respond to and attempt to resolve the issue.