- Registrant Directory
- Registrant Directory
- Seismic Retrofit Engineering Firms
Registrant Directory
Registrant Directory of Individuals
Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s searchable Registrant Directory allows the public to search for an individual registrant and verify their registration history, status, practice area(s), practice restrictions, discipline history, employer, and location.
Registrant Directory of Individuals
Registrant Directory of Firms
Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Registrant Directory of Firms allows the public to view a list of registrant firms and verify their registration history, status, practice area(s), industries, Responsible Registrant(s), Responsible Officer, and location. The Directory is currently under development and additional search functionality will be added soon.
Seismic Retrofit Engineering Firms
The list of Seismic Retrofit Engineering Firms are companies with professional engineers trained on the use and application of the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines.