Engineers and Geoscientists BC

We are experiencing a high volume of Annual Reporting inquiries. If you have emailed us, we will reply as soon as possible. Please refrain from calling or visiting our office, as this will not shorten our response time.

External Professional Development Providers


Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia does not have a formal accreditation process for external professional development providers. Determination of course value is left to the judgment of the registrant taking the course.

Registrants who participate in any external event activity they believe to be relevant to their practice will have their activity recognized as 1 contact hour, being equivalent to 1 Continuing Education (CE) Hour. See Table 7 in the Guide to CE Program for examples.

Usage of Engineers and Geoscientists BC Logo

The Engineers and Geoscientists BC logo is not available for marketing purposes for external professional development events.

Request an External Event Posting

Do you want to share your external events with professional engineers, professional geoscientists, other professionals, industry and government representatives, educational institutions, or the public?

External events such as conferences, seminars, and annual general meeting notices may be posted on our External Events page with the opportunity to be featured in the events bi-weekly broadcast email.

Submit a External Event Request Form

All events are reviewed before approved. External events are posted at the discretion of Engineers and Geoscientists BC and may be subject to a fee.

For more information, please contact [email protected].