Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Legislation & Bylaws

On February 5, 2021, the Professional Governance Act (PGA) came into force and replaced the Engineers and Geoscientists Act.

The PGA establishes a new, consolidated framework for professional regulators in the natural and built environment, including Engineers and Geoscientists BC and the regulators for forestry, agrology, biology, and applied science. It also establishes a new oversight body for this legislation—the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance (OSPG)—which reports into the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

The PGA defines Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s mandate and governing authority. The PGA also outlines the obligations and standards that all registrants under the PGA must meet. The Regulations further define the obligations and standards set out in the PGA.

The Bylaws of Engineers and Geoscientists BC set out the specific standards and procedures that apply to Engineers and Geoscientists BC and its registrants.

View the Professional Governance Act
The Professional Governance Act

View the Regulations made under the Professional Governance Act
Professional Governance General Regulation and Transitional Regulation
Engineers and Geoscientists Regulation

Engineers and Geoscientists BC's Bylaws
View current Bylaws
View prior legislation and Bylaws

To view Engineers and Geoscientists BC's Code of Ethics, visit our Code of Ethics page.