Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Prior Legislation and Bylaws

Past Versions of Bylaws under the PGA

Under the Professional Governance Act (PGA), the Board of Engineers and Geoscientists BC is permitted to amend the Bylaws, with final approval by the Superintendent of Professional Governance. The first version of the Bylaws was approved and came into force on February 5, 2021. Since then, there have been periodic amendments to the Bylaws. This page contains links to all past versions of the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Bylaws made under the PGA which have now been superseded by the current Bylaws. It also contains links to the summaries of Bylaw amendments that were introduced over time.

Past Versions of Engineers and Geoscientist BC's Bylaws under the PGA (Not in force)
Bylaws as amended April, 30, 2024
Bylaws as amended January 31, 2024
Bylaws as amended June 27, 2023
Bylaws as amended May 1, 2023
Bylaws as amended February 28, 2023
Bylaws as amended December 2, 2022
Bylaws as amended September 19, 2022
Bylaws as amended May 4, 2022
Bylaws as amended on March 30, 2022
Bylaws as amended on February 22, 2022
Bylaws as amended on December 15, 2021
Bylaws as amended July 14, 2021
Bylaws as adopted February 5, 2021
Summary of Bylaw Amendments*
Bylaw Amendment Summary (Amendments in force as of January 13, 2025)
Bylaw Amendment Summary (Amendments in force as of April 30, 2024)
Bylaw Amendment Summary (Amendments in force as of January 31, 2024)
Bylaw Amendment Summary (Amendments in force as of June 27, 2023)

*Bylaw amendment summaries available June 2023 onwards. 

Historical Legislation and Bylaws under the Engineers and Geoscientists Act

Before the PGA came into force on February 5, 2021, Engineers and Geoscientists BC was governed by the Engineers and Geoscientists Act (EGA) and the previous Bylaws made under the EGA. The EGA and the previous Bylaws are no longer in force, however, they may still be relevant in some investigation and discipline cases that concern registrants’ practice and conduct from before the PGA and new Bylaws came into force.
Further, the previous definitions of the practice of professional engineering and geoscience in section 1(1) of the EGA remain relevant because under the Regulations to the PGA, any practice that falls within the definitions of the practice of professional engineering or geoscience in the former EGA are reserved practices under the PGA that may only be engaged in by registrants of Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

For previous versions of the Bylaws, contact [email protected].