Engineers and Geoscientists BC

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Board Nomination Application Process

Engineers and Geoscientists BC is seeking qualified candidates with diverse experience, skills, and expertise to stand for election to the Board for the 2025/2026 Board year.

The nomination process is administered by the Nomination Committee, using a candidate selection framework approved by the Board. The Committee assesses the needs of the Board annually and seeks candidates who possess the necessary skills, practices, knowledge, and diverse perspectives and backgrounds to support the Board and organization in fulfilling their public protection mandate. For more information on the selection process and a comprehensive overview of the skills, competencies, and diverse perspectives that the Nomination Committee’s considerations, candidates are strongly encouraged to review the following documents.

To reduce unintentional bias, the committee first reviews and assesses redacted profiles for all prospective nominees with personal identifiers removed, such as name, gender, ethnicity, and region. A second review of candidates is then completed using unredacted profiles. The committee then shortlists candidates to interview. The committee’s deliberations include the consideration of the role requirements, the prioritized skills, and the committee’s assessment of the candidate’s skills, competencies, and experience.

To support this process, all prospective nominees are asked to complete an online application form which includes: a written summary of their interest to serve on the Board; details of their relevant skills and experiences; a current CV/resume; responses to supplementary conflict-of-interest and declaration questions; and contact information for three references. The form also includes voluntary self-identification questions related to diversity.

Apply Now

If you are ready to apply, you can access the online application form using the button below.

Prospective Nominee Application Form


You must be a practising, non-practising, or retired professional engineer (P.Eng.), professional geoscientist (P.Geo.) or professional licensee (P.L.Eng. or P.L.Geo.), in good standing and registered with Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

Terms of Office

Board members are elected for a 3-year term.

Time Commitment

Service on the Board requires a significant time commitment. Board members should expect to spend a minimum of 100 hours per year on mandatory activities, plus preparation time for meetings (approximately 50 hours per year). Engineers and Geoscientists BC acknowledges the time Board members dedicate to their service. We recognize this commitment through a remuneration policy for Board members. Additionally, Board members receive full reimbursement for their travel costs associated with meetings.

Board meetings are held in the Lower Mainland and travel time to attend meetings should be considered. Board sub-committee meetings are generally held virtually. Board members are also encouraged to participate in other Board activities and may do so based on their availability. There are five full-day Board meetings per year. Tentative Board meeting dates for the 2025/2026 Board year are:

  • October 29, 2025
  • December 5, 2025
  • February 20, 2026
  • April 17, 2026
  • May 27, 2026
  • June 19, 2026
  • September 18, 2026

In addition to Board meetings, Board members are required to attend:

  • 2 half-day orientation sessions and governance training
  • 3–4 workshops (half-day or full-day prior to select Board meetings)
  • 1 two-day planning session
  • 4–6 sub-committee meetings (usually 2 hours in length)
  • The annual general meeting

Meetings are held during business hours and Board members are reimbursed for all travel costs to attend. Candidates should confirm with their employers that they can take time away from the office to undertake these duties, as attendance at these meetings is mandatory.

To Apply

Prospective candidates may indicate their interest by completing an online form which is due by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 14, 2025. The form is administered by a third-party, Watson Advisors. You will be asked to create a user account with an email address and password to begin your application. *Please note that even if you have applied in past years, for security reasons, you are still required to re-register to access the form. It is recommended that you set aside 60 minutes to complete the form and have the following information at hand:

  • Volunteer or employment background with Engineers and Geoscientists BC
  • Volunteer service with other professional, community, or civic organizations
  • Disclosure of duty, interest, or circumstances that might conflict with or impact duty to Engineers and Geoscientists BC
  • Names of 3 references, their email, phone number, and the nature of your relationship with each of them
  • Your current CV/Resume (PDF)

To understand what information is required, you may preview the full form that you will be completing.

Apply Now

If you are ready to apply, you can access the online application form using the button below.

Prospective Nominee Application Form

If you have any questions or issues accessing the application, please contact Tracy Richards, Board Governance Specialist, at [email protected]. The Nomination Committee reserves the right to extend the call for nominations.

Important Dates*

Friday, March 14, 2025Deadline to submit Prospective Nominee Form (by 5 PM Pacific Time)
By Wednesday, April 30, 2025Prospective nominees shortlisted by Nomination Committee
May 5 and 6, 2025Candidate Interviews conducted by Nomination Committee Panel
By Friday, May 30, 2025Final candidates for election confirmed by Nomination Committee
By Friday, June 27, 2025List of candidates published

*Dates subject to change

Additional Information


For questions or additional information about the Board nomination and election process, contact Tracy Richards, Board Governance Specialist, at [email protected].