Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Lesson Plans

Our Career Awareness outreach program, which connected K-12 educators with engineers and geoscientists to promote the professions, has been discontinued as of December 31, 2024, as it no longer fits within Engineers and Geoscientists BC's mandate as a regulator. For more information about this and other recent changes made to align our operations with the Professional Governance Act, please visit the Advocacy Body webpage

Still listed here are some freely available educational resources to promote interest in the professions of engineering and geoscience. 

Engage your students with the classroom-ready lesson plans below focused on engineering and geoscience.

GradeLesson PlanTeaching Time
Grade 1Home for a Hamster65 minutes
Grade 2The Water Cycle Keeps Going Around65 minutes
Grade 3Changing Landforms60 minutes
Grade 4Energy Transformations85 minutes
If you use these lesson plans and would like to share them with other educators, please link them to the main landing page rather than sharing the PDF documents directly, as we would like to collect educators’ information through the form for tracking and usage purposes.

Home for a Hamster

Grade 1 Lesson Plan 

Home for a Hamster is an ADST building activity that provides an engaging task to address social studies and math content. Students are introduced to shapes that can be used to create structures, then are given a design challenge. It also includes a career element introducing students to structures that engineers create and how they work to solve building challenges in communities. 

AreaCurriculum Connection
Social StudiesWe shape the local environment, and the local environment shapes who we are and how we live. 
MathObjects and shapes have attributes that can be described, measured, and compared. 
ADSTDesigns grow out of natural curiosity and skills can be developed through play. 

Download the Home for a Hamster Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan  | PowerPoint Slides | Science Journal Template | Geometric Shapes Template

The Water Cycle Keeps Going Around

Grade 2 Lesson Plan

Fresh water is essential to all life. Where does it come from, where does it go, and how does it come back? Students will create their own water cycle, then think about how important fresh water is to us. They are introduced to the many engineering and geoscience careers that are connected to water in our daily lives.

AreaCurriculum Connection
Science (General)Water is essential to all living things, and it cycles through the environment.
Water CycleThe water cycle is driven by the sun and includes evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.  

 Download the Water Cycle Keeps Going Around Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan | PowerPoint Slides | Water Cycle Template

Changing Landforms

Grade 3 Lesson Plan

Students participate in a place-based activity, learning about erosion and landform features by creating small streams. Water flowing down a slope prompts discussions about what engineers and geoscientists must consider when designing roads and structures. Indigenous place names can be a springboard for how names are chosen for local places.  

AreaCurriculum Connection
Science (General)
  • Wind, water, and ice change the shape of the land. 
  • Local Indigenous Peoples’ knowledge of local landforms and ecosystems.
  • Observable changes in the local environment caused by erosion and deposition by wind, water, and ice. 

Download the Changing Landforms Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan  | PowerPoint Slides | Observable Erosion and Deposition Assessment Tool | Teacher Assessment Tool

Energy Transformations

Grade 4 Lesson Plan

AreaCurriculum Connection
  • Energy can be transformed 
  • What is energy input and output? 

Download the Energy Transformations Lesson Plan:

Lesson Plan | PowerPoint Slides | Energy Transformation Journal Template | Math Symbols Template | Energy Station Template | Teacher Background Information

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Please email [email protected] if you have questions about the lesson plans.