Annual Reporting FAQs
Below are answers to frequently asked questions about Annual Reporting.
1. What is Annual Reporting?
Annual Reporting is the process of updating your personal and professional information and completing annual declarations. It must be completed in your online account between May 1 and June 30 every year and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
It is also the place where Professional registrants complete their Continuing Education Declaration.
Submit My Annual Reporting -
2. Who needs to complete Annual Reporting?
- Professional Registrants (having practice rights)
- Trainees (EITs and GITs)
- Registrants with a declared Non-practising or Retired status
If you were registered for the first time between May 1 and June 30 of the current year, then you are not required to complete Annual Reporting. Registrants who have recently changed status are still required to complete Annual Reporting, e.g., changing from Trainee to Professional or changing from Professional to Non-practising status.
Check your Account Dashboard to confirm if Annual Reporting is applicable for you.
Registrants with Life Non-practising status are not required to complete Annual Reporting.
3. What is the difference between CE and Annual Reporting?
The Continuing Education Program requires Professional registrants to record CE activities and prepare CE Plans. CE activities and plans must be completed by June 30 every year and are tracked in the CE Reporting System. More information is found on our Continuing Education webpages.
Annual Reporting (AR) is the process by which all registrants update their personal and professional contact information and complete annual declarations. AR must be completed between May 1 and June 30 each year in the AR System and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
4. What information do I need to report?
- Industry and area(s) of practice;
- Employer, if applicable;
- Personal mailing address;
- Business contact information;
- Personal and unique email address;
- Optional self-identification questions;
- Complete annual declarations; and
- Report any criminal conviction or disciplinary action in the past year.
5. How do I report a technology error in the Annual Reporting system or my account?
Report the issue to [email protected] and include:
- As much information as possible about the steps you took and the error that is occurring;
- Screenshots are helpful to quickly diagnose the issue;
- Your 6-digit User ID #.
6. How do I return to Good Standing after a suspension?
Complete the overdue reporting requirements and pay the late fee in the Annual Reporting System to have the suspension lifted. Look for an email confirming your suspension has been lifted within 3 business days of your Annual Reporting submission.
You can also check your registration status from your Account Dashboard.
If you were using Notarius, you will need to re-apply once the suspension has been lifted.
A record of the suspension will remain in the public registrant directory for the duration of your registration and 10 years afterwards.
Disputing a suspension: Review the acceptable criteria in the online application form to confirm your eligibility to have the suspension reversed. Applications for suspension reversal are accepted between October 1 and December 31 (i.e., up to six months after the reporting deadline).
7. How do I pay or dispute the late fee?
Paying a late fee: Late fees are paid within the Annual Reporting System. Proceed to the "Payment" step and enter your credit card details, then click "Pay."
If your payment was successful, a receipt can be downloaded from your online account, and you will also receive a confirmation email to your preferred email address.
Disputing the late fee: Please complete the online application form between July 1 and September 30 (i.e., up to three months after the reporting deadline) to request a waiver. Applications received after September 30 will be rejected.
8. I just updated my contact information earlier this year, do I still need to submit my Annual Reporting?
Yes, you must complete Annual Reporting between May 1 to June 30 even if you updated your information earlier in the year.
9. Why do I need to provide Engineers and Geoscientists BC with a unique and personal email address?
Written notice is provided to registrants at the unique and personal email address on file with Engineers and Geoscientists BC. No other persons should have access to this email address and registrants should check this email address on a regular basis. See Bylaws 5.27 to 5.31. for the complete list of Annual Reporting obligations.
10. Can a colleague, family member, or friend complete my Annual Reporting on my behalf?
No, registrants must complete their own Annual Reporting to ensure the information reported is accurate. Annual Reporting also requires personal declarations to be made regarding your individual registration and requirements. However, if a registrant has limitations preventing them from using the computer and needs assistance with filling out the online Annual Reporting questionnaire, a friend, family member or colleague can assist, but it is the responsibility of the registrant to confirm all answers prior to submission.
11. Why do I need to report this information to Engineers and Geoscientists BC?
Under the Professional Governance Act, Engineers and Geoscientists BC must maintain a Register of all current and former individual registrants.
In addition to the information set out in section 31(3) of the Professional Governance Act, Engineers and Geoscientists BC requires additional information to be reported annually so that the organization can reach registrants with important information and updates.
Annual Reporting is the formal name given to the requirements described in sections 5.27, 5.29, 5.30, and 5.31 of the Bylaws.
12. Why am I seeing the message “Annual Reporting is closed”?
The Annual Reporting System is available to registrants between May 1 and December 31 each year. If you are seeing the message "Annual Reporting is closed," it could mean that you are too early and will need to return in May, or it could mean that Annual Reporting is not required from you. Your registration status and the status of your Annual Reporting can be verified from your Account Dashboard.
If you are seeing an error message such as “System Error” or “Access Denied,” please contact [email protected] to report the issue.
13. My information changed after I submitted my Annual Reporting. What should I do?
You can only submit your Annual Reporting once per year. Log into your online account and choose from the options in the left navigation menu to update your contact information and/or practice-related information within 30 days of the change taking place. Please be advised that this is your obligation under the Bylaws to ensure we can reach you with important updates.
14. How does this process relate to the Annual Individual Renewal process at the end of the year?
You will complete both processes each year. Annual Individual Renewal is the process to pay your registration fee and occurs between November 15 and December 31 each year. Annual Reporting is the process to update your information and complete annual declarations and occurs between May 1 and June 30 each year.
Please be advised that you cannot renew if your registration is suspended.
15. Where can I get more information on Annual Reporting?
Visit our Annual Reporting webpage or review Bylaws 5.27 to 5.31.
16. How do I request a deadline deferral (extension)?
To request a deadline deferral (extension), review the acceptable criteria in the online application form to confirm your eligibility for an Annual Reporting deferral. Applications for deferral are accepted between April 1 and June 30 (i.e., up to three months before the reporting deadline).
If your deferral is approved, your late fee will be waived, and you will have until September 30 to complete your missing requirements. Failure to do so will result in the suspension of your licence on October 1.
Professional registrants concerned with meeting the June 30 continuing education reporting deadline can consider these alternative options.