Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Registration FAQs

Please note that you should refer to the Registration section of the website for more details regarding our registration-related processes. The information below is correct at the time of publication.

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about the registration of individuals in British Columbia.

If you are looking for information relating to the regulation of firms, please visit the Firm Registrants section of the website or email [email protected].

Applying for Registration

Academic Requirements

  • 1. Where do I send my official transcripts?

    Official transcripts should be sent directly from the institution of study by secure electronic means to [email protected]. We must be able to verify the sender’s email address on the institution’s website to consider the transcript official. For institutions that do not offer secure file transfer of official electronic transcripts, we also accept official transcripts mailed directly from the institution of study to:

    Registration Department
    Engineers and Geoscientists BC 
    200-4010 Regent Street
    Burnaby BC V5C 6N2

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC will consider transcripts that are included in the World Education Services (WES) Course-by-Course International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) as official if the document indicates that official transcripts were originally provided to WES. 

    If an official transcript does not indicate the degree title, discipline, and date conferred, an official degree certificate sent directly from the institution of study is also required. 

    You must also provide official transcripts for any transfer course credits earned towards your degree.

  • 2. I have completed my degree outside of Canada, how do I have my degree evaluated for registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC?

    To apply for registration, you must have the equivalent of  a university-level bachelor’s degree in applied science or engineering, or 4 years of full-time post-secondary education in applied science, engineering, geoscience, science, or technology. You will need to successfully complete any assigned examinations, unless otherwise exempted.

    Engineering degrees are evaluated by Engineers and Geoscientists BC as either accredited or non-accredited, in consultation with Engineers Canada. We do not accept evaluations from third-party evaluation services such as World Education Services (WES) or International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES). Detailed evaluations are completed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC once the completed application and fee have been received.

    More information on academic requirements for engineer-in-training and professional engineer can be found on our website.

    All applicants applying in geoscience are evaluated against the Geoscientists Canada Knowledge Requirements when they submit a complete application, fee, and the corresponding self-evaluation checklist to Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

    Note, if you do not meet the minimum academic requirements for registration as a professional engineer or professional geoscientist, you may wish to investigate your eligibility for registration as a professional licensee.

  • 3. What should I do if I am unable to provide official transcripts?
    Please be advised that transcripts are required to be sent to Engineers and Geoscientists BC directly from the institution of study. If you are unable to provide an official transcript due to extenuating circumstances, you will be required to complete a statutory declaration swearing to the authenticity of your documentation. If this applies to you, please send an email to [email protected] in order to have a request for a Statutory Declaration Request Letter added to your application.
  • 4. I am required to submit a self-evaluation checklist and syllabus/course descriptions. My degree does not completely match the required courses on the syllabus. How do I fill out these documents?

    The checklist should be completed to the best of your ability. If you have completed degrees or courses from multiple academic institutions, you will need to arrange for official transcripts to be sent directly to Engineers and Geoscientists BC for all degrees and courses that you are claiming on the checklist against the syllabus requirements. Course descriptions must be included for all courses claimed on the checklist, and the sources of the course descriptions must be clearly indicated. If claiming any course against more than one syllabus requirement, you must indicate the percentage allocation of the one course across the multiple syllabus requirements. The total allocation for any one course across syllabus requirements must not exceed 100%. Engineers and Geoscientists BC will accept an addendum to accompany your checklist, that may include an explanation of course allocations and any further information regarding your program structure.

    For more information, please see the Guideline to Completing Syllabus and Course Description for engineering applications and the Guideline to Completing Geoscience Checklist and Course Descriptions for geoscience applications.

  • 5. What if I cannot access official course descriptions from my university?

    If your institution cannot provide official course descriptions and they are not available on the institution’s website, Engineers and Geoscientists BC will accept course descriptions created by the applicant, or from sources other than the university, with an explanation provided by the applicant. An applicant must indicate the source of all course descriptions, including those created by the applicant themselves.

    For more information, please see the Guideline to Completing Syllabus and Course Description for engineering applications and Guideline to Completing Geoscience Checklist and Course Descriptions for geoscience applications.

  • 5. I am required to submit a self-evaluation checklist for my GIT/P.Geo. application. However, the syllabi or educational institution course equivalency list that I need is not provided. How can I ensure that I meet this requirement and complete a Self-Evaluation Checklist correctly?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC has developed institution-specific course equivalency lists for BC universities. Course codes are subject to change so if you have completed a course that is equivalent, but has a different course code, please add this information to your completed syllabus. A course can only be used once on the checklist. At this time, only equivalency lists for the disciplines of geology and environmental geoscience have been developed.

    If you attended a post-secondary institution outside of BC or are a geophysics applicant, please use one of the checklists listed under General Self-Evaluation Checklists. Checklists assist in the academic review of your application. The course code for each corresponding topic on the list must match what is listed on your transcript(s). A course can only be used once on the checklist.

  • 7. What if my official documents are not in English?
    The language of business and communication at Engineers and Geoscientists BC is English. Therefore, any document (transcripts, course descriptions, degree certificates, etc.) submitted for licensing purposes must be translated to English if the official document is not in English. Note that in addition to English translations, official documents in the original language are still required to be sent directly from the institution(s). The academic assessment cannot begin until certified English translations have been submitted by the applicant. A translation must be word-for-word, completed by a certified translator, and accompanied by the original document or a true copy of the document stamped by the translator. Engineers and Geoscientists BC may allow translations provided by the applicant’s post-secondary institution or by a P.Eng., P.Geo., P.L.Eng., P.L.Geo., or Notary Public who is fluent in the language. Translations must be signed, dated, sealed/stamped, and include the name and contact information of the translator.

Experience Requirements

  • 1. I am using the Competency Assessment System to report my work experience, my validator has not received the email notification, what should I do?

    Notifications can be resent by going to the Competency Assessment System and requesting that the notification be resent. Please note this page is meant to assist validators when requesting links be resent, if you are an applicant requesting a link be resent to your validator you must enter their email address on this page.

    Validators should check their email SPAM folder to ensure their notification email has not been filtered.

    If the validator still cannot find their notification email after you have resent it and they have checked their SPAM folder, send a request to [email protected] with the name of the validator and your request.

  • 2. I am using the Competency Assessment System to report my work experience and my validator wants me to make edits, but I cannot make any changes. What should I do?

    Please send an email to [email protected] with your full legal name, system ID, and the specific competency number.

    We will unlock the competency so you may make changes. Once you are done making changes you will need to submit the completed competency to your validator for review.

  • 3. I am using the Competency Assessment System to report my work experience, and I want to add a new validator, but the system will not allow me to add their name. How can I have the name added?

    Please send an email to [email protected] and provide the full legal name of the validator and their current email address and we will add the validator to your list.

  • 4. I am doing engineering/geoscience work and there are no professional engineers or professional geoscientists to supervise my work. What can I do to comply?

    Engineers and Geoscientists BC recognizes that the availability of professional supervisors is industry, project, and company-dependent, and is sympathetic when applicants for professional registration have difficulty finding appropriate professional supervisors for their engineering or geoscience work. To comply with the Professional Governance Act and to obtain acceptable experience for registration, you should:

    • Ask your employer to engage the services of a BC registered professional engineer or professional geoscientist in your discipline to provide regular oversight and to take professional responsibility for your work. This will be a definite asset when counting your experience towards registration. It also allows your employer to comply with the Professional Governance Act;
    • Consider asking for supervision from BC registered professional engineers or professional geoscientists who are affiliated with your employer and who either have detailed knowledge of your work or can review your work on a regular basis. This can include branches of your company in other provinces, research associates in academia, subsidiaries, etc.;
    • Seek out the support of professional engineer or professional geoscientist clients or colleagues who have a detailed knowledge of your work and ask them to act as referees;
    • Consider asking for a secondment (i.e., a temporary transfer to another job) with an affiliated company, or a client that has registered professional engineers or professional geoscientists who can supervise your work; and/or
    • Seek new professionally supervised employment as soon as the opportunity arises.
  • 5. Can I gain credit for work experience I gained participating in a co-op program or pre-graduation?

    Up to a maximum of 1 year of pre-graduation or co-op experience may be accepted if it: was gained after completing at least half of your engineering or geoscience degree but before graduation; was supervised by the appropriate professional; and if it otherwise satisfies all experience criteria detailed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC.

  • 6. Can I gain credit for my master’s degree or PhD?

    Applicants with postgraduate degrees may be given credit for engineering or geoscience experience gained as part of their postgraduate studies. Up to a maximum of 1 year of credit will be granted for a master’s degree with a thesis component, and up to 2 years of credit will be granted for a PhD. A maximum of 2 years credit will be given for a combination of a master’s and PhD.

    You should submit a copy of your thesis abstract(s) with your application.

  • 8. With the introduction of the International Credentials Recognition Act (ICRA), do I still have to log my work experience using the Competency Assessment System?
    Yes. Under the ICRA, regulatory authorities may still require applicants to demonstrate that they have both the application of theory in their discipline, as well as practical experience. We assess experience through the Competency Assessment System. After the assessment of your experience, you may be re-assigned competencies for which you do not meet the minimum category rating. You will also be informed of the most appropriate means to acquire or demonstrate the re-assigned competencies, which may include education, examinations, or additional work experience.
  • 9. What constitutes four years of satisfactory engineering work experience?
    To register as a P.Eng., you must have a minimum of four years of satisfactory engineering work experience. This work experience must demonstrate both the application of theory in your discipline of engineering as well as practical experience. Your work experience should also include the management, communication, and social implications of engineering. Note that you must obtain four years of work experience in the same discipline of engineering (your discipline of application).
  • 10. What constitutes four years of satisfactory geoscience work experience?
    To register as a P.Geo., you must have a minimum of four years of satisfactory geoscience work experience. This work experience must demonstrate the application of geoscience principles and practice, and should include practical experience, management, communication, and show your understanding of the social implications of geoscience. Note that you must obtain four years of work experience in the same discipline of geoscience (your discipline of application).
  • 11. I have submitted my work experience using the Competency Assessment System. What happens next?
    Once you have submitted your work experience, your validators are required to validate the competencies you have assigned to them or complete a feedback form. When all validators have completed their tasks, your application is considered complete and is ready to be assessed. 

    Your work experience will be assessed by two assessors in your discipline of application once they become available. Due to the high volume of applications, it may take approximately six months from the date your application is complete (all validations have been submitted) for you to receive a decision. 

Canadian Environment Experience

Experience Interviews

  • 1. How do I arrange an experience interview?

    Interviews are granted at the discretion of the Credentials Committee. You will be contacted by staff to make the arrangements if an interview has been recommended for you.

  • 2. When will my interview occur?

    The interview panelists are practising professionals who volunteer their time. The interviews are scheduled during working hours and when interviewers are available. It typically takes 2–6 months to arrange an interview.

  • 3. What should I bring to the interview?

    If you are invited to an interview, you should be prepared to present an example of your work that clearly demonstrates your experience and how you have applied your knowledge to solve a technical problem. You should also be prepared to answer technical questions about any of the projects you have mentioned in your competency report.

Examinations and Seminars

Status Changes

Fees and Refunds

  • 1. When I applied for registration with Engineers and Geoscientists BC, I paid an application fee. Did that fee include the annual fee for the year?

    The annual fee is not included in your application fee. Engineers and Geoscientists BC registration runs on the calendar year and your annual registration is pro-rated to the month of registration. 

    Those registered as a P.Eng., P.L.Eng., P.Geo., or P.L.Geo. will also be invoiced for a one-time  registration/licensing fee.

    Complete fee information is available in our Fee Schedule

  • 2. I will not be completing my application, can I get a refund of my application fee?

    Application fees are non-refundable. However, a full or partial refund may be considered if:

    • The fee is not refunded it will cause undue financial hardship on the applicant; or
    • There are extenuating circumstances beyond the applicant’s control that warrant a refund.

    To apply for a refund, submit a written request to [email protected] with your reasons for the refund. Engineers and Geoscientists BC may approve or deny the request, and the applicant will be notified of a decision within 30 days.

    For Reconsideration of a Decision and Review on the Record, an automatic refund is provided for successful appeals if the review results in full relief of the original decision and is based only on the information that was originally provided. A refund request does not need to be submitted.

  • 3. I just got registered. How do I pay my fees?

    In the registrant portal, select “Account” and then “Pay Your Fees” from the options on the left side of the page. If you do not find an invoice for your fees within 1–2 weeks, please contact the Accounting Department at [email protected].

Accredited Employer Program

  • 1. What is the Accredited Employer Program?

    The Accredited Employer Program is a low-risk pathway for engineers-in-training (EITs) and geoscientists-in-training (GITs) working towards their professional registration. Engineering and geoscience companies apply for accreditation to ensure their EITs and GITs can satisfy the experience requirements when applying for their professional registration.

    For more information, visit the Accredited Employer Program page, or send an email to [email protected].

    Please be advised that to participate in the program, you must:

    • be registered as an EIT or GIT with Engineers and Geoscientists BC;
    • have been working for the accredited employer for a minimum of 2 years; and
    • still be working for the accredited employer upon submitting your work experience.


If you cannot find the answer to your question above, you can contact our staff at [email protected].