Engineers and Geoscientists BC

Maintenance Notice: Website offline February 22 — Due to planned maintenance, will be offline on February 22, from 9 AM to 5 PM, including access to the Knowledge Centre and registrants’ accounts. Thank you for your patience as we improve our systems.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Actions

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Professional Practice Guidelines

To guide professional practice related to equitable, diverse, and inclusive environments and interaction, Engineers and Geoscientists BC developed the Professional Practice Guidelines – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). These guidelines were first published in 2016 under the title Human Rights and Diversity Practice Guidelines and have since been updated to reflect the new requirements of the Professional Governance Act (PGA), and recent societal shifts in awareness and understanding of issues related to EDI.

Professional Practice Guidelines: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The guidelines reflect our commitment to address issues around discrimination and harassment within our mandate as a regulator and to reflect the continuous growth mindset needed with respect to understanding EDI.

They are intended to provide pertinent information to help individual and firm registrants meet their professional obligations as outlined in the PGA, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics.

What's in the Guidelines?

The guidelines provide a high-level description of EDI concepts and challenges that may arise, and outline specific expectations and obligations for individual and firm registrants of Engineers and Geoscientists BC including:

  • Expectations for contributing to inclusive workplace environments and professional interactions that are welcoming for all people;
  • Expectations and obligations for registrants in relation to EDI under the PGA, and according to the organization’s Bylaws and Code of Ethics;
  • Roles and responsibilities of individual and firm registrants, as related to their professional obligations;
  • Current EDI best practices to consider for inclusive environments beyond professional obligations; and
  • Guidance for registrants to make formal complaints as part of their Duty to Report.

The guidelines cover current EDI best practices for registrants to consider for inclusive environments beyond professional obligations. We encourage all registrants to act upon as many considerations as possible.

The EDI Guidelines are distinct from other practice guidelines, in that they address social and cultural matters relevant to the professions.

EDI is complex and nuanced. The guidelines only cover the essentials to provide registrants with foundational information. Registrants are encouraged to embark on a journey of continuous learning as it pertains to EDI.

View EDI Guidelines

Our Process

Engineers and Geoscientists BC engaged with registrants on this issue beginning in the fall 2020 with a roundtable to hear from organizations that represent and advocate for diverse groups within the engineering and geoscience communities as well as individuals from equity seeking groups.

In 2021, Engineers and Geoscientists BC also engaged an external consultant that specializes in the development of EDI policies and procedures for similar organizations to conduct a consultation process among registrants who are part of equity-seeking groups, with the purpose of updating and revising the Human Rights and Diversity Guidelines.

Watch the Webinar to Learn More

Engineers and Geoscientists BC held a webinar shortly after the Professional Practice Guidelines: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion were released. This webinar is now available for free in the Knowledge Centre.

Watch the Webinar Now

Guide to Inclusive Practices

Engineers and Geoscientists BC has developed a Guide to Inclusive Practices. This guide shares information about individual actions registrants and volunteers can take to build and contribute to inclusive environments in their general practice as well as in volunteer activities. The guide has several sections, including Inclusive Presentations, Inclusive Meeting Facilitation, and Land Acknowledgements.

Learn More


Engineers and Geoscientists BC is collecting optional self-identification data from registrants to better understand demographic trends, identify barriers that some groups may face entering and remaining in the professions, and develop or update programs and initiatives to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion in the engineering and geoscience professions. Learn more about what data is being collected, how it is being collected, and how it will be used.

Learn More

30 By 30

Engineers and Geoscientists BC has endorsed the Engineers Canada 30 by 30 goal. The goal of 30 By 30 is to increase the number of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30% by the year 2030. The organization’s approach to 30 By 30 includes a board-endorsed strategic plan, and guide to action.

For more information, please visit the Engineers and Geoscientists BC 30 By 30 page.