Continuing Education Resources
The resources below include continuing education providers, activities, and examples that can be used to fulfil your Continuing Education Program (CE) requirements.
Quick Links
- CE Plan templates
- Regulatory Learning Modules
- Ethical learning topics
- Options for fulfilling your CE Hours
- Guidance and videos
- Resources for firms
CE Plan Templates
At a minimum, your CE Plan must note your area(s) of practice, assesses the risks of your practice, and identify learning goals and activities to help meet those goals.
Download a fillable template:
Fillable PDF | Word |
- Alternatively, you can use any other CE Plan template that meets the minimum criteria, such as a template created by your employer or another professional association.
- For support with creating your CE Plan, watch “How to Create a High-Quality CE Plan” in the Knowledge Centre or review these examples of completed CE Plans: Example for P.Eng. or Example for P.Geo.
For advice on completing your CE Plan requirement, please review the Continuing Education Program page.
Regulatory Learning Modules
Complete the Regulatory Learning Module for the current reporting year in the Knowledge Centre. A new module on a different topic is produced each year.
- 2024–2025 on Duty to Report
- 2023–2024 on climate change and sustainability
- 2022–2023 on Truth and Reconciliation with Indigenous peoples
For advice and technical support with completing your Regulatory Learning requirement, please review the Continuing Education Program page.
Ethical Learning Topics
Ethical learning are topics related to advancing knowledge of how to act ethically and meet the ethical obligations pursuant to the Professional Governance Act, regulations, Bylaws, and the Code of Ethics.
Ethical learning can come from any source such as your employer, a professional association, other regulatory bodies, our Knowledge Centre, our Complaints and Discipline pages, books, videos, podcasts, etc.
Examples of ethical learning topics include, but are not limited to:
- Published disciplinary actions
- Engineering and geoscience failures
- The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Guide to the Code of Ethics (e.g., understanding the ethical obligation to hold paramount public safety and to protect the environment)
- The “Ethical Practice” module from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC online seminar “Professional Engineering and Geoscience Practice in BC”
- Articles or stories on ethics and conduct (e.g., Innovation Magazine)
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion (e.g., applying the Professional Practice Guidelines for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)
- Indigenous engagement and reconciliation (e.g., integrating traditional knowledges into projects in consultation with Indigenous communities)
- Ethical responsibilities relating to climate and sustainability (e.g., applying the Sustainability Professional Practice Guidelines)
- Conflicts of interest
- Whistleblower obligations, rights, and protections
- Managing professional liability
- Topics categorized under “Ethical” in our Knowledge Centre
For advice on completing your Ethical Learning requirement, please review the Continuing Education Program page.
Options for Fulfilling CE Hours
The following organizers can be used to fulfill your CE Hours and ethical learning requirement.
Options through Engineers and Geoscientists BC
Engineers and Geoscientists BC provides registrants with a variety of opportunities to help meet their continuing education requirements.
- Events (including seminars and webinars) are held throughout the year.
- Our Knowledge Centre features video recordings of live Engineers and Geoscientists BC webinars and online courses, making continuing education opportunities more accessible to registrants. New videos and courses are added throughout the year.
- External seminars from a variety of external continuing education providers offer technical, management, and business-related sessions.
- Group discounts are available for three or more people from the same organization attending the same seminar on the same date (some exceptions apply).
For questions about CE offerings, please contact [email protected].
Options through External Providers
External providers offer a variety learning activities that can be counted towards your CE requirements such as reading publications, attending webinars or conferences, and volunteering.
- Professional associations or organizations have been established for most engineering and geoscience disciplines. Examples include:
- Canada: Transportation Association of Canada, Association for Mineral Exploration, Project Management Institute.
- International: IEEE, American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
- Other regulatory bodies such as APEGS, PEO, or Forest Professionals BC.
- Training completed through your employer to learn a new skill or maintain competency with an existing skill, lessons learned exercises, or lunch n’ learn sessions.
- Post-secondary education or continuing professional development courses offered by educational institutions.
Self-Directed Options for Continuing Education
Eligible continuing education activities can come from a variety of self-directed sources, for example:
- Local libraries may have access to technical journals, books related to ethical and regulatory learning, and other research articles relevant to your area of practice.
- LinkedIn Learning is a source for virtual, on-demand learning. Participants can complete individual courses and work towards a certification. A free subscription is available for anyone who owns a library card with a local municipality.
- Mentorship
- Volunteering
- Presentations
- Seminars and courses
Guidance and Videos
- Instructions for How to Complete Your 2024 CE Requirements
- Download the CE Program Compliance Checklist
- Get started with an Introduction to the CE Program
- Learn how to Create a High Quality CE Plan
- Understand the ways to Prepare for Annual Reporting
- For additional support, see our Continuing Education Program FAQs
Resources for Firms
- Brief guide outlining CE applicability, requirements, and practical ways firms can support staff compliance
- Presentation slides for your staff meetings, announcements, or in-office digital signage
- CE requirements and deadlines poster for lunchrooms, lounges, or meeting spaces
- CE Program Compliance checklist
- Looking for other resources to support your firm with CE compliance? Send us an email at [email protected].
For further inquiries, contact [email protected] or leave a voicemail at 236.521.9154.